Story Descriptions

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    I'm not really all that mad about this topic. I'm more annoyed than anything else. The number of TERRIBLE story descriptions I see on a daily bases here on Wattpad or Quotev is ridiculous! They're either incredibly vague or downright stupid! Finding an actually good story description with an as good story is a VERY rare occurrence. A small portion of ALL the stories I read has a terrible description, but a good story. But most of the time, the story is just as bad as the description! And it pisses me off! 

    Over the years I've been reading fanfiction and have actually been a full-time author, I've kind of learned to try and look past the description. I read the first chapter and see if I like it before deciding on the story's worth. You know how they say "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Well throw that saying away and instead say "Always judge a book by its description." Because descriptions are EVERYTHING. It's literally the first thing a reader reads of your book before actually reading it. If that makes any sense. 

    Remember the bad example in the 'Outline' chapter that I said to not do? Same goes for the fucking description! Do NOT end with the "Read to find out!" line EVER. It's so overused and dull! It literally gives nothing away about what your story is about and it sure as hell doesn't make me curious enough to read the damn thing! If anything, it makes me roll my eyes and move onto the next story on my Recommended page. Instead, get your favorite quote from a character and use that or just have a critical scene as a description to get readers interested. Trust me when I say it's a LOT more professional and pretty looking that way.

How to properly do a story description (This description is from an actual story of mine. DO NOT USE)

"I never asked to be a hero. I never asked for anything really. I guess the fates decided to make my life interesting when they saw how average my life was by demigod standards. One thing is for certain though, I would never change what happened in the slightest."- Nymira Novascotia

How to NOT do a story description (Yes I did copy and paste this one from the Outline chapter)

Greg is a superhero from Minnesota. Find out what happens to him throughout the story! (If I see another one of these descriptions on a story today, I am going to scream.)

Note: Holy fucking shit Grammarly hates me

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