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    Why oh why do people do this? It's stupid as fuck and makes people think you have an over-inflated ego! Never add yourself to your stories! That includes your personal OCs! Unless the story is about your OC, never add them to a story that's not about them! It annoys the shit out of me when I see the main character interacting with someone's personal OC because a) it's not about the OC and b) it proves that whoever has the OC is too lazy to make a different character fitted for that story! Just save yourself from the embarrassment and actually make your own characters. It is not that hard to do! But apparently, according to almost every fanfiction writer on this site, it's fucking rocket science! 

    I can rant here all day about how annoying it is. But I'd just be wasting my time and whoever is reading this's time! I'm not even kidding! I have several examples of this shit all over the place that I could make a well-developed essay about 10 pages long about how much of a Cardinal Sin this is. So to save you from an annoying rant, I have some examples of how to make your own characters! I'll try and dumb it down for the people with over-inflated egos so to not cause any confusion.

How to make your characters (You know I'm REALLY mad when I make my advice a checklist)

1) Open a google doc

2) Write down what type of character you want

3) Look for interesting people in your life and write down their personalities (Movie characters or real life people will work)

4) Write down interesting traits from these people in the google doc

5) Once all that is said and done, MAKE YOUR CHARACTER FROM THESE TRAITS YOU FUCKHEADS!!!!

How to NOT make a character for your story

ex. #1

"I have this OC I can use as a secondary character cause I'm too lazy to think of something else."

ex. #2

"I'm just going to add myself because I'm the most awesome person in the world and everyone in the whole fucking universe who reads my story needs to know this."


Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

How To Not Fuck Up Writing a Story In My Personal OpinionWhere stories live. Discover now