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I had one last building project for my room; my desk. I'd asked Dodie if I could build it alone. She had been confused but didn't try and argue. Truth be told I would have loved to have built it with her but this was my last piece of furniture and seemed like the end of a chapter. I wanted to finish this chapter alone so that the next one could be clean and fresh; and hopefully, and I prayed for this, I wouldn't be alone.

My desk, though my bed  was a strong competitor, was the most important piece in my room. It would have been the first thing I built but I ordered it from a website. A website that takes forever to post things.  A fact that was unknown to me, until my desk arrived 2 months after I clicked send. 

The building process was simple enough, I managed not to hit myself with any tools. The lack of injuries along with peaceful music and the distant sound of Dodie in the kitchen created a blissful experience. I was Content.  

Once my desk was finished, I went to find Dodie. She was still pottering around in the kitchen, making her 4th tea of the day. I chuckled, made a statement about her unhealthy tea drinking habits which got me a light slap with a tea towel. I waited for her to finish making her tea, we talked about nothing in particular but I was captivated by her every word. The way her lips moved and shaped.  The sound of her voice was like the  sun after a rainy day.

She grabbed her tea and pointed to my door, "You wanted to show me?" . I nodded and ran/skipped to my door, nearly slipping over on the wooden floor. Dodie giggled at my haste. I held open the door, she walked in curtsying as she did.  As well as building my desk I had cleaned my room so it was completely finished. "It's so nice Y/N, its so you" Dodie continued to sprawl out compliments as she walked around my room. She stopped at the far right corner and turned to look at me. I cocked my head comically trying to figure out what she was insinuating.  Realizing i wasn't catching on she said " Your old desk what are you going to do with it". 

I didn't answer her question but instead went and removed the cover from the desk. It was covered in paint splatters, doddle's and writing. " Woah, so this is what you've been hiding, its really cool". Dodie  was scanning the desk but then her eyes stopped moving and were focused on a particular image. If I wasn't already blushing I was by then. " Is that me?"  She was indicating to a small portrait i had painted of her.  I had told her that it was indeed her. She of course questioned me "Why did you paint me?".

"What do you mean? Of course i'd paint you, you're beautiful" the words stumbled out of my lips before i could even think of stopping them. Dodie made no noise, but instead stepped forward and grabbed my hands. She was staring at me very intensely, still not speaking a word. I had to break the silence while I also tried desperately to avoid her gaze. It held emotions i couldn't pin-point or decipher. " It's just a silly little sketch, i could do a lot better not that i'm trying to brag or anything. But then again it would be so hard to capture you as you're so dreamy and lovely. Your face is one of the prettiest things I've seen... and I" 

Dodie cut me off with a kiss, it was sweet and short but still managed to send shivers down my spine. It was over in seconds but the feeling will stay with me for years.  I removed my hands from her grip brushing them through my hair trying to figure out how I had just got kissed by my crush. I took a step back and turned around expecting her to be gone by the time I looked back. Because the only reasonable explanation was that it was all a dream, a mirage. To my surprise she was still standing there. "That was real" my voice was laced with confusion and giddiness. I didn't wait for an answer and instead pulled her in for another kiss.

My old fold-able desk went through a bit of DIY and now hangs on Dodie's wall. She couldn't bear to throw it away. That's why i love my girlfriend she is so pure and most importantly she loves me and everything i do. 

AN- Thank you reading, this is the end of this story and also the first story i have ever finished . Please rate and comment, i would love feedback. Also the video linked above is what i listened to while writing this, i feel it suits the aesthetic (Omg so edgy) of this story. So if you want you can listen :) 

- Random girl out xxx

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