The bed's head board

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The night of the bed building you slept extremely well. You'd like to think it was due to your new bad but sadly its most likely due to how tired you got building it. You and exercise aren't the best of friends.

Your sleep had been very peaceful; your awakening not so much. Though it wasn't unpleasant. You had been woken by an ecstatic Dodie, who had firmly told you midday was not too early to be woken up.  You'd huffed and puffed determined to sleep some more. Dodie was having none of it. After what seemed like forever Dodie stopped pulling at your covers and she went silent. Peace, at last you'd thought to yourself. Then you heard a banging coming from across the room.

The banging was Dodie trying to lift the head board. She was failing. Just as the head board started to slip from her hands you jumped out of bed and held it firmly. Just managing to save Dodie's toes from being squashed. You took the headboard out of Dodie's hand and balanced it against the wall. Dodie still trying to calm herself down after what could of been a tragic accident (the heard board could have easily broken her toes). You open your arms which she gratefully falls into, your arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her in closer.

You stay in this position for awhile, until Dodie steps out from the hug. She spoke quietly apologizing for being an idiot. You reassure her its your own selfish fault for not getting out of bed. 

"Maybe we could do it together this time?" you said. Dodie nodded. You both do it easily, no broken bones. You finished placing in the last screw, Dodie wastes no time in yet again collapsing onto the bed. You watch her closely; her face seems to drop as she stared intensely at the ceiling.  It takes you some time to realise why. Shes disappointed the stars aren't there. 

By the time you got to that conclusion a smile has replaced her frown; its fake. She grins up at you, trying to convince you and herself shes not upset. She starts to speak, but you shake your head and take her hand. She doesn't hold it as tightly as she has done before. Shes reluctant.

You take her to the balcony doors. You told her to close her eyes, she does. You open the doors, the sun filling the kitchen; you wince its to bright for your eyes. Blinking several times, hand still grasped around hers. Taking take a deep breath, you step outside and with your spare hand remove a sheet from a painting. "Ta dah" you point at the painting; its full of her stars. Not daring to look at her reaction you mutter to the floor "its now a proper galaxy, i was gonna attach it to the ceiling cause obviously we cant paint it, cause we renting and..." Your rambling is stopped as Dodie pulls you in for a huge hug reassuring you she loves it, both of you have tears in your eyes. Neither of you really know why.  

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