Chapter 7 - The Very Special Birthday Gift

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K: The Heart in Blue Chapter 7

3 days left before Hinagiku's birthday. Awashima goes to Munakata's office and tells about Hinagiku's birthday.

"Chief, do you already know Hina-san's birthday?"

"Hmm... Now that you mentioned it, I haven't." Munakata replied as his fingers are crossed below his chin while he is sitting on his chair.

"Well, her birthday is on September 15." Awashima said to Munakata.

"What's the date today?" Munakata asks Awashima.

"It's already September 12. We only have 3 days left to celebrate Hina-san's birthday." Awashima said to Munakata as she crosses her arms around her body.

"Tch. We should buy some gifts for her right now. Does Akiyama and the others know about her birthday?" Munakata asks Awashima as he pushes his glasses upwards.

"Fushimi-kun is already informing them. And if you're thinking how to keep Hina-san company while we're buying some gifts for her, you do not have to worry because I asked Kusanagi to keep her company." Awashima explained to Munakata about their plan.

Munakata just chuckles then he frowns. Awashima don't understand why Munakata just chuckled.

"Is something wrong chief?" Awashima asks Munakata.

"You really do asked Kusanagi huh? Well that's very brave of you. Why you didn't asked Fushimi-kun to keep her company?" Munakata asks Awashima teasingly as he looks at her weirdly.

"Nah, he's too lazy... If I ask Akiyama to keep her company, he won't be able to control the others while they're working for the party. I don't want the black hound to keep her company because something might happen to her." Awashima exclaimed as she tries to stop blushing.

Munakata stands up from his chair then he looks at Awashima weirdly again. "You should've tell me about her birthday in the 1st place Awashima. I'm planning that Suoh will keep her company. Well, since you have told me about her birthday late, I didn't have the chance to tell Suoh about it. But you have managed to ask his clan members. Especially your admirer. I'm impressed about that." Munakata said teasingly.

"Chief Munakata!" Awashima said as her face blushes.

Later on, Fushimi comes inside to tell Awashima and Munakata that he already informed the other clan members. He also told the clan members of HOMRA about Hinagiku's birthday.

"I already told the others about Hina-san's birthday. I even went to the HOMRA pub to tell it." Fushimi said then he pushes his glasses upwards.

"Good. Now, all we have to do is buy some gifts for Shima-kun." Munakata said.

"Yes chief." both Awashima and Fushimi chorused.

The next day at Scepter-4 in Munakata's office, all the members of Scepter-4 except for Hinagiku, are in Munakata's office. They are now talking about their plan for Hinagiku.

"Now guys, chief will call Hinagiku here. Because we will ask her to stay at the HOMRA pub for 1 day. And the day after tomorrow, we will fix ourselves up. We only have 4 hours to do that. We will let her stay there because we have to prepare anything for Hina-san's birthday. And we will buy some gifts for her. Since we only have 2 days before her special day, I want you to cooperate and work as a team. Don't drag your feet down. We have to do this event very special to her. Oh, and you guys will take care of the rest because we need some time to look for a special gift for Hinagiku." Awashima explained loudly with a business tone of her voice.

"What do you mean "we?" Only Chief Munakata will need some time to look for a very special gift for Hina-san you know..." Fushimi said to Awashima.

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