Chapter 18 - Talk With The Parents

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K: The Heart in Blue Chapter 18

The next day, Hinagiku's parents decided to visit Hinagiku. So, they walk to Scepter-4 headquarters. Minutes of walking, they already reached Scepter-4. As they walk inside, they saw Awashima. Hinagiku's mother called Awashima and Awashima responded.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Luna." Awashima greeted as she bows in front of them politely.

"Good morning to you too..." Hinagiku's father said.

"Is Sylvia here?" Hinagiku's mother asked.

Awashima smiles at them and said "Please follow me." then she walks.

Both of Hinagiku's parents followed Awashima inside. As they walk inside, the parents of Hinagiku were just looking around. Just then, Fushimi passes them.

"Lieutenant... Have you---" Fushimi said when Awashima interrupts.

"If you want to look for Hina-san, you better follow us then..." Awashima said then they continued to walk.

Fushimi just gives a click on his tongue then he follows them. Soon, they already reached Munakata's office. Awashima knocks the door and opens it. When she opened the door, she saw Hinagiku standing in front of Munakata. Look like they're having a discussion.

"So, have you already checked the reports of the others?" Munakata asks Hinagiku.

"Yes chief. They're still working on it. And you don't have any meetings today chief... Only some piles of paperwork needed to be done before night." Hinagiku said to Munakata.

"Very well then Shima-kun. You are dismissed.." Munakata said with a smile on his face.

Hinagiku bows in front of him and thanks him. "Thank you very much Chief Munakata."

Hinagiku looks back and she saw Awashima, Fushimi and her parents. She was surprised that her parents are there.

"Mama? Papa? What are you doing here?" Hinagiku asks.

Munakata stands up and bows in front of Hinagiku's parents politely. "What can we do for you?" he asks.

"There's no need to be formal Munakata-san. Well, I want to talk the both of you..." Hinagiku's mother said.

Awashima and Fushimi just covers their mouth to prevent them from screaming. They're thinking that Hinagiku's parents will set an arranged marriage for Hinagiku and Munakata. But then, Hinagiku speaks up.

"It's not what you think Deputy Captain Awashima and Fushimi-kun. Don't be so ridiculous!"

"Okay okay. We better leave now.. See you later!" Awashima said then she closes the door.

"Please have a seat while we prepare you some tea. Shima-kun please...?" Munakata said to Hinagiku.

"Yes chief." Hinagiku bowed then she gets some tea cups and prepares some tea.

Hinagiku's parents sits on the couch in the middle of Munakata's office. Munakata sits on the other couch also at the middle of his office. Minutes later, Hinagiku comes back with 4 tea cups full with Jasmine tea. She places the tea cups full of tea on the center table and sits beside Munakata.

"So, what we will talk about mama?" Hinagiku asks.

"Well, we're here to inform you that, by this December, you need to go back to London." her mother said.

"What? But---" Hinagiku said when her father interrupts.

"Just a minute Sylvia. You'll only stay there for a week. We know that you're working here..." Hinagiku's father explained as he sips his tea.

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