Chapter 8 - Hatred Penetrates Love To Her Parents

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K: The Heart in Blue Chapter 8

The next day at Scepter-4, Hinagiku is on her way to Munakata's office with the reports that she have worked with. Hinagiku knocks Munakata's office door then she enters. When she came inside, she greets Munakata.

"Good morning Chief Munakata!"

"Good morning to you too Shima-kun!" Munakata greets Hinagiku back with a sweet smile on his face while he plays his jigsaw puzzles.

"These are the reports that I have worked with. Where will I put them?" Hinagiku asks Munakata.

"Just put them in my desk Shima-kun." Munakata said to Hinagiku.

"Yes chief." Hinagiku replied then she bows.

Hinagiku piles the reports on Munakata's desk. While Hinagiku piles the reports at Munakata's desk, Munakata noticed that Hinagiku is already wearing the jeweled necklace which he gave it to her. Munakata felt happy when he saw that his beloved is already wearing the necklace that he gave it to her.

"I see that you're wearing the necklace that I gave you." Munakata said to Hinagiku as he pushes his glasses upwards from the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, yes chief. I am now also wearing the bracelet which Serenity gave me and the watch which Deputy Captain Awashima gave me." Hinagiku said with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry if..." Munakata stopped when Hinagiku blocks his lips with her finger. Munakata's face slightly blushed.

"Why are you saying sorry Chief Munakata? I should be thankful because you gave me a beautiful jeweled necklace that I always wanted. I admit that, I am planning to buy this necklace when I have enough money. But, you're the one who bought it for me. And for me, this jeweled necklace that you gave me, is very special for me Chief Munakata. And I really love it." Hinagiku said to Munakata with a smile on her face.

Munakata stands up and goes in front of Hinagiku. He puts his hands in Hinagiku's shoulders and stares at her.

"You think so Shima-kun?" Munakata asks her.

"Yup. You bought me the expensive one. So, if I had the chance, I want to give you something special in return..." Hinagiku said as she nods her head then her face slightly blushes.

"But Shima-kun..."

"I have to Chief Munakata! You gave me one that is expensive and special!" Hinagiku said to Munakata.

"Well I have one..." Munakata said softly as he nods his head.

"Tell me! Tell me anything and I'll give it to you! Anything!" Hinagiku said.

"Well... I only wanted is..." Munakata said shyly while a light coat of blush is forming.


"Is the..." Munakata said when Akiyama enters Munakata's office.

"Chief! There's a commotion going on at the City Plaza." Akiyama reported.

"Okay. Tell everybody to go there now. Shima-kun and I will be on our way." Munakata said to Akiyama as he pushes his glasses upwards from the bridge of his nose.

Akiyama salutes and said "Yes chief!" then he leaves.

When Akiyama left, Munakata sighs then he faces Hinagiku. He lays his right hand on Hinagiku's head as he looks down. Hinagiku looks at Munakata worriedly then asks him.

"Are you alright Chief Munakata? Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine Shima-kun. It's just... I'm not yet ready to tell you this..." Munakata said as he looks elsewhere.

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