I Make A New Friend

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I was standing by the window, letting the cool air break as it tries to pass through me. It was early in the morning, no one was awake except for me. That's saying something, because I refuse to wake up. A shiver ran through my spine, it was too cold to be standing next to a open window, but I like the feeling of cold air against my skin. It was early January and a white sheet covered the city. I looked away from the window where the blankets lay in bunches and Jonathan on the other side of them, soundly sleeping. He looked quite innocent. He looked quite fragile. It's been more than a year, and the city was just a white mess. In that year and a half, I have visited everywhere imaginable. Ever since we ran away we have been living in Jonathan's mysterious and magical apartment. We have been hiding from the Clave. We had been to Paris, India, Peru (wanted to see what the huge deal it was since Magnus always kept talking about it), and we stayed few days in Edom, while the shadowhunters were looking for us. It was terrifying staying there, knowing what could have happened. Out of all the places we had stayed we never came to New York, not until today.

I smiled as someone hugged my from behind and kissed my neck. I guess Jonathan was awake.

"Happy Birthday" he whispered in my ear

"We are in New York" I stated

"Yeah" he said. He was still hugging me from behind, but now he placed his chin on my shoulder.


"Just felt like it" he let go of me and I turned around to see what was happening. He got a tiny little box out of his jacket, which was hanging on the wall. "I got something—"

Suddenly, Mabelle and Oliver burst through the doors. Didn't I tell you? Oh sorry! Must have forgot, they live with us too. It was a curse and a blessing, but mostly a cruse.

"It's called knocking" Jonathan glared at them

"It's called not caring" Mabelle smirked. "Come on, Rona. We made you a birthday breakfast"

And I followed them. It wasn't everyday Mabelle and Oliver cooked for you, they were culinary geniuses. You better drop everything you're doing and follow them blindly as they lead you to the food. I smelled—

"Pancakes!" I said brightly as Oliver put a plate in front of me that was drenched in sweet sweet syrup. I also smelled—

"Shut up! You got me fries from Taki's!" I smiled really wide.

"Yeah, it's your present from me. I went into town and got it for you" Mabelle set a box of the fries in front of me. "Personally, I don't see the appeal"

"And I got you this" Oliver gave me a big, old book full of Greek myths. This year I had sparked an interest in Greek mythology, I think it was simply fascinating.

"Thank you! I love both of you, but I love them presents more!" I couldn't wait much longer so I opened the book and read it as I shoved pancakes and fries in my mouth.

In the book Oliver got me, about Greek myths, I read about Lethe. It was a river in Hades that causes forgetfulness. It is one of the five rivers in Greek underworld. Another one that you might recognize is Acheron, the river of sorrows. You might know it from a quote, 'Acheronta movebo'. The dead are supposed to drink from Lethe, when they are being reincarnated, so they would forget their early life. Fascinating, simply fascinating.

It was the afternoon and I was sitting in my room at the Institute. I sneaked in, and it helped a lot that I had Jonathan's ring which can transport people places. I was careful and trying not to make any noise. Everything was just the way left it. All of my things still remained. I thought after I left they would donate it or even burn it. Ever year on this day, Jace would get me a tiny little cupcake with a tiny little candle and wake me up at midnight. I missed this place, I missed my uncomfortable bed and my messy closet. I missed everything and mostly the people. I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me now, since I betrayed them.

I heard footsteps approaching my room and so I hid behind the bathroom door. I could feel another presence, they were inside the room.

"Is anybody here?" It was Jace. I tried to be as quite as possible. "Hello? Rona?"

It was as if he knew I would be here. But I still didn't respond. He began to make his way out but I can't let him just leave. I knocked against the bathroom door to let him know I was here.

"Rona?" He said again. Once more I knocked on the door. Yes.

For a while he didn't say much but then he said, "Happy birthday, Rons"

I was back at the apartment. It was late evening but the sky looked as if it was the middle of the night. That's winter for you. I was sitting in my dimly lit room. A tiny box sitting on the bed. I think it was something Jonathan was going to give to me this morning. I opened the box, and what was in that tiny box, should remain between me, the box, and Jonathan, at least for now. But I will tell you this, it was small, round, and sliver. Sliver, like Jonathan.

"You forgot about me" Jonathan appeared beside me on the bed. I guess I haven't seen him that much today. But he was joking, he didn't care if we haven't each other for one day. We are going to see each other for the rest of our lives, what's one day out of plenty.

I leaned in and whispered "Even Lethe can't make me forget about you, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern"

Note from the Author:

Hey yo!

So that's it! That's all for this story. I had so much fun writing it, hopefully you have fun reading it. I began writing this because there was just not enough Jonathan fanfics. I was just writing it for myself and I did not think I would get this many people to read this story. The first part of this story has over 1k reads and it might not be a lot but that's enough for me. So I like to thank everyone who took the time to read, like, comment on this story. I really appreciate it!!!

I am sad that this has come to an end. I think there should be more Jonathan fanfics. So, that's why I have started to write a AU fanfic about him. It should already be up by the time you read this. I can assure you it's going to be way funnier than this one. I would love it if you check that out too.

It's called Tales of Squirty Pants And Water Boy (Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern fanfic)

Until next time!

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