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"Jas," I  call out as I follow Jason through his overly large backyard

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"Jas," I call out as I follow Jason through his overly large backyard. "What is it, did I do something wrong?" I ask him, as anger begins to rise in my voice. I didn't know why he was acting so distant and cold towards me.

He whirls to me swiftly. "I can't do this anymore," he says running a pale hand through his messy red locks. "Do what baby?" I ask as my voice softens. He steps closer to me, pressing his forehead to mine as he places a firm hand on my hip. My breathing hitches.

"We..need to break up," he says pulling away from me reluctantly. I search his eyes confused. "Break up, why?" I ask. He turns his back to me. "It's my parents, they...they-" "they what Jason?" I ask grabbing his shoulder.

"They don't want us together," he says with his back still to me. "Who cares what they want?" I say as my blood begins to boil. Since when does he give a damn about what his parent think?

"I'm doing this to protect you," he says turning around swiftly. "Oh please Jason, save me the dramatics, using your parents as an excuse to break up with me....really low," I say as tears begin to pool in my eyes.

"(Y/N)," Jason says stepping closer to me. I back up. "Jason don't, okay," I say waving my hand away. He steps closer anyway, I look down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. He tilts my chin up and wipes my tears away.

"My parents are very....dangerous people (y/n), you have to understand that," he says with his hand still on my chin, his eyes search mine. "Dangerous how, Jason?" I ask trying to hold back my tears, but one escapes. Jason wipes it away.

"Whatever they want...they get dangerous," he says. "So what we're just supposed to break up because you're afraid of your parents?"

He says nothing, so I step closer planting a kiss in his lips, the kiss is short and passionate. "Goodbye Jason," I say turning to leave, tears seeping from my eyes. Jason pulls me back into a kiss. This one is more aggressive and fiery. His hands explore my body as we kiss and I plant my hand in his red hair. I pull away.

"I thought we were breaking up," i say with a smile. He gives me a light smile, "well maybe my parents don't have to know about us,"

Guys I'm so shook that Jason only has like 1 gifs like how am I supposed to make Imagines of him if I only have one gif man? 😭

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