Shattered Trust

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"Alissa, you know that I had to do this. It is to keep you safe. I have to keep you away from all people your age. It was what your sister wanted" Eliza says to me, trying to appease me. It's failing. She takes my hands in hers and stops us from walking, her blue eyes meeting my light ones. "You know that there are dangerous people out there. We must keep you safe."

"You mean it's me? The Opal?" I break my hands away from Eliza's and step back. "The only reason you would keep me trapped is if I were. Not being able to see the outside world, there must be a more of an explanation than 'we must keep you safe'" I say with venom. Eliza looks shocked and I see my answer in her eyes. "So I am." Eliza, eyes pooling, slowly nods.

"I think." the queen says.

"I'm sorry? You think?" I ask, because as mad as I am, I want answers. Eliza sighs, and grips my shoulders again.

"Alissa, you must understand. Nobody knows who it is for sure. However, I do know that you fit the description. You turn up in our greatest need. I can sense how powerful you are. I-we, want to make sure nothing happens to you. So we must keep you locked up." Eliza explains. Slowly shaking my head, I back up, then turn around and run for my room, hair flying behind me.

I slam the door behind me and throw myself onto my bed. What could the queen mean? Keeping me trapped inside of a castle for what? A chance I might save them, using magic. The lightest kind. I pull myself out of the covers and walk across the room, to where the mirror lies. Looking into it, what do I see? A 14-year-old girl. Stands tall, with her chin up. Her eyes pierce me, but underneath, they are shattered. Her yellow dress falls limply around her. Pale as a ghost. Brown hair long with several tangles. Shoulders curling with hopelessness. She is not a princess. I am not a princess, though I am pretending to be one. I understand I guess. I understand that Eliza must keep me safe, for my sister, from the Getre. I understand that the safest way to do that is to lock me up. I understand that I may be the Opal. I understand that I might not be. However, what I don't understand is what power is in me, and what it might do released. I don't want to become a monster.

"Mother. Father. For you, I will not become anyone but myself. I promise." I whisper while a single tear falls down my cheek. "And I will become who I'm meant to be." Brushing away that tear, I walk over to the closet and take out my flannel nightgown. Shedding the yellow dress, I put it on, savoring the softness against my skin. Hanging my other dress back up, I walk back to my bed and sit on the edge. The only light still on is the star nightlight that rests on my tiny table next to the bed. Reaching over, I flip the small switch, and the light dims, then snuffs out. "Goodnight, me." Climbing under the lush covers, I have to admit to myself that the castle in which I live is a lush one. I lie in the dark, just contemplating. Sleep comes quickly, taking me in its arms. Eyes closing, I drift away, entering the world that only I can create and enjoy. The world I enter and leave every night.

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