Chapter 15

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A/N: A short chapter because I have to get some things moving in the story. Thanks for the comments! All comments are appreciated! And don't worry. All will be revealed.

Family Feud

(Storybrooke, Granny's Diner)

Granny looked up as the door to the diner opened and her eyes went wide when she saw the two women enter. "Ruby!" She rushed over and wrapped the tall redhead tightly in her arms.

"Oof! Good to see you too Granny!" Ruby replied as she felt the older woman's firm embrace, Granny let her go and smiled widely. She then hugged the other woman too, with a little less strength this time.

"Hello Dorothy! So good to see you two! But you're supposed to be in Oz, how did you get here?"

"I have no idea. Last night I was in Oz and it was a full moon." Ruby started. 

"And you were on a hunt." Granny finished. 

"Yes. I was in the woods but suddenly I wasn't in Oz anymore. I was here, in Storybrooke!"

"But how?" Granny wanted to know. "Did you go through a portal?"

"No, that's the thing! There was no portal, no beanstalk, I was just here." She explained. 

"She came back this morning and we just walked right into town. We tried to go back and found that we could go back the same way, over and over again." Dorothy continued.

"Just like crossing the street." Ruby said and her eyes carried the weight of her statement.

"The barrier between realms is gone." Granny whispered.

(Storybrooke, Gold's Shop)

"Hello my son. Did you miss your parents?" Fiona smiled.

"Get away from my son!" Belle screamed and ran toward Gideon. Suddenly a black aura froze them all in place. 

"Ah, ah, ah." Pan wagged his finger back and forth at them all. "We came to visit with family! We can't have everyone just interrupting us. Respect your elders everyone."

"How are you still alive!" Gold shouted. "I watched both of you die!" Fiona walked over to Gold slowly, rocking Gideon in her arms slowly. 

"Oh my son. I see that you are so happy to see us again. It warms a mother's heart."

"Your heart is as cold and as black as coal." Rumplestiltskin growled. 

"You didn't answer his question." Regina spoke up. "Why are the two of you not dead?"

"Well, that's the riddle isn't it?" Pan smiled. "But just telling you how wouldn't be any fun, no instead we're going to play a game." Fiona rolled her eyes. 

"You and your bloody games." She said. "It doesn't matter if you figure out how we survived, it won't stop us from doing what we came here for."

"And what is exactly are you planning mother dear?" Rumple voice dripped with venom. 

"Why to be a family my dear, that is all I have ever wanted." She placed her hand on his cheek softly, her eyes attempting to show love for her son.

"Oh, and unlimited power and revenge on you all." Pan spoke as an afterthought. 

"I don't understand." Charming said.

 "You never do." Fiona bit back.



"Why take our children? What are you going to do to them?" Charming continued, unfazed by the comment. 

"Oh we aren't going to harm these beautiful babies." Fiona said as she nuzzled Gideon while Pan snorted at her comment, trying to fight back a laugh. "Do you think we're monsters?"

"Yes!" Zelena yelled. 

"Zelena, don't provoke them." Regina attempted to calm her sister, provoking the two of them could make matters worse and result in the children being hurt.

"No! If you lay a hand on Robyn I will kill you both myself." Zelena said through clenched teeth.

Fiona laughed at her. "How? You don't have your magic anymore dear."

"What are you going to do? Light your broom on fire and burn us?" Pan laughed.

We need to figure out their plan. 


Hey, no need to get snarky here! 

Come up with something constructive and I won't. 

Well, I can't feel you coming up with any bright ideas! 

I'm thinking. 

No you're not! I'm in your head remember. You're just as scared as I am. 



"You want their magic." Regina said aloud, fitting the puzzle piece into place.

"Well well, the Evil Queen is not as dense as I thought." Fiona smirked. 

"Just try me fairy." Regina sneered at her but Fiona just laughed in her face. 

I'm going to burn that smirk right off that bitch's face! 

I'll hold her down!

"Well as much as I've enjoyed this reunion, I'm afraid we have to run." Pan said. 

"Yes, we have things to prepare for." Fiona walked back to stand beside Pan and the other babies. "But don't worry about the little ones, we will take care of them." She smiled.

"As if they were our own." Pan finished. Then black smoke swirled them and they were gone.

 "No!" Belle screamed and fell into Rumplestiltskin's arms, Snow sobbed uncontrollably as Charming held her, and Zelena fell to her knees and cried. Regina went to her and wrapped her arms around her crying sister.

Those fuckers are going to pay for this!

I'm going to kill them.

Suddenly the temperature in the shop dropped thirty degrees. "What's going on?" Henry called from the corner. No one answered as they looked around and saw their breath come out in little puffy clouds.

"Hi everyone! Sorry about the cold, Elsa's a little nervous about Storybrooke showing up just a few miles away from Arandelle all of a sudden. Elsa, just relax! You're going to give everybody frostbite! And they aren't dressed for the weather either, although they are wearing clothes suitable for fall. Do you guys ever get summer in Storybrooke? I always see you guys in coats and jackets. Especially Emma with her red leather jacket, where is Emma anyway? I don't see her, but I do see a new face next to Hook. Hi, I'm Anna and this is my sister Elsa." Anna extended her hand to Mila and finally stopped talking.

What the fuck? 

You took the words right out of my mouth sheriff.   

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