Chapter 27

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A book of revelations

Storybrooke (Regina's Mansion)

Regina placed the tray down on the coffee table. "Tea, anyone?" She asked formally and Emma smiled into her coffee mug. She loved Regina's voice when she adopted her regal tone, she found it so sexy, but now was not the time. Oh Miss Swan, what are you doing? 

That 'Queen' voice gets me so hot! 

I'll keep that in mind for later, but for now just concentrate. Regina shot a sly wink to Emma. 

Yes your majesty.

Belle, Tink, and Henry were seated on the sofa and Regina poured tea for both women. Her poor son had been making due with a sports bottle of water that he could hold between his mangled hands and suck on the straw. Regina poured herself a cup and sat down in a love seat opposite them with Emma.

After taking a quick sip Belle placed the cup down and picked up Blue's Book. Belle had invited Tinkerbell along too because she felt that the former fairy should hear what she had to say.

Belle cleared her throat and began. "Inside this book is the history of magic." She hoped her tone would let the others know how serious this was. Regina raised an eyebrow while Tink threw up her hands.

"Whoa, what the hell was Blue doing with this?" 

Belle turned to Tink. "You'll see."

"In the beginning there wasn't 'dark' magic or 'light' magic, there was just magic. This unified magic then created all the different realms, an infinite amount of worlds. Then an event occurred that was so catastrophic that it caused magic itself to rip in two." 

Henry spoke up. "What was the event?" 

Belle turned to him. "The book doesn't say. It's frustrating actually. The book refers to the event time after time as if the reader already knows what the event is but doesn't go into detail." Belle frowned in frustration. "It's almost as if the author of the book is either ashamed to talk about it-"

"Or afraid." Emma finished for her.

"Yes" Belle said. "I thought that too at first, but as I read on I got the feeling that the event was something that was not an accident. That it was planned. The way it's referred to is almost apologetic in some places." 

Regina turned to Tinkerbell. "Did Blue ever say anything about this to the fairies?" 

Tinkerbell shook her head. "No, sometimes a curious fairy would ask about where magic came from or something and Blue would get vague and not give a real answer." Tinkerbell sniffed. "I always knew she was hiding something."

"After this event light magic and dark magic came into existence." Belle continued to explain. "Here's where it gets interesting. Both sides had two guardians, one light one dark. But again the book is vague here, it doesn't explain if the guardians were there before the event happened or if they were created by the event. And it's at this point that The  Author is mentioned for the first time." Henry sat up at the mention of the author while Belle continued to speak. "It seems that The Author is either above or at an equal level with the light and dark. He works independently or with one side or the other at different times, never seeming to have a particular allegiance with either and never doing their bidding."

I hope you're paying attention because I'm starting to zone out. 

Emma! Really. 

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