Chapter 13: Telling the family about the pregnancy

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{Colin Johnson, 45, Kayla's, Destiny's, Morgan's and Kaedie's dad}

{Colin Johnson, 45, Kayla's, Destiny's, Morgan's and Kaedie's dad}

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*5 months later*

Tayler's POV

Today is the day that we are braking the news to our family that we are having another baby. I texted my mom to see what time she's coming over.

After I texted my mom I helped Kayla with the baby onesies that we bought last night so that way we can tell everyone that were pregnant

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After I texted my mom I helped Kayla with the baby onesies that we bought last night so that way we can tell everyone that were pregnant.....again.

*an hour later*

Kayla's POV

Wendy, the kids and I went to the store to get everything that we need for the big family dinner tonight. Its going to take all day long to get dinner done so were going to start out earlier that I thought it was going to take. Wendy went to the meat section and got what was on that list and I went to the produce and the cutlery to get plates cups and silverware. Wendy met back up with us at the check out and paid for everything and left from inside the store to load up the car and head home. 

*back home to start the dinner*

I was starting to feel the morning sickness coming so I told Justin to help grandma carry in the groceries. I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. After I got done with morning sickness I went to the kitchen and started to work on dinner.

*3 hours later*

Dinner is half way done and I still have to set up the table. "Tayler! Justin! Can both of you set up the table for me while I finish making dinner!" "Yes we can! On our way done!" I heard Tayler yell. I heard them come running down the stairs and they started to set up the table. 

*2 hours later* 

Dinner is finally done and on the table. Wendy went to go get everyone to come to the table while Tayler and I placed everyone's present under their chairs. After everyone came to the table and started to eat I stood up and started to talk. "Excuse me everyone may I have your attention. There is a reason why we're having this big family dinner tonight. There is a small box under all of your chairs but wait to open them after i'm done talking." Everyone grabs their boxes and places them in front of them. "Tayler and I are so grateful for each and everyone of you. We found out something that I know that everyone has been waiting for a long time now that we have Kathy. Now everyone open up your boxes to see your surprise."

Mom opened hers first and she smiles as wide as can be. "Your having another baby!!!" I heard her say. I nodded and I went over to her and hugged her. Everyone else was happy for Tayler and I. I heard a knock at the door and Justin went to the door and opened it and yelled "Grandpa!!" I walk over to the door and saw that my dad Colin Fuller standing there in the door way. "Daddy." was the only word I could say. I ran to him and hugged him as tightly as I could. "Do you want to meet your 1st granddaughter." He nodded and I had Tayler bring her to my dad and he was happy that he got to meet his first granddaughter. "And I have more news dad." He looked at me and I said "Your going to be a grandpa again 3 more times. I'm having another baby. Destiny is having a baby boy and Morgan is having a baby in 5 months." My dad's eyes filled up with tears of joy. "We do need more boys in the family." We all smiled and sat back down at the table and finished dinner then went to the theater room and watch movies till everyone went to sleep.

Awe Kayla is having another baby!!!!!!!!!!! Let see what happens when Destiny finds out that her ex boyfriend come to give back her daughter.

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