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Hey guys Tayler Holder here. Thank you guys so much for reading this story. I have a favor to ask of you guys. I want you guys to leave names in the comment below of what we should name out puppies. Can you guys keep a secret??? Kayla didn't want me to tell you guy this till the chapter of finding out the gender of the twins. But I wanted you guys to know ahead of time. So the gender of the twins are........

Kayla- Tayler Lynn Holder don't you dare tell them the gender of the twins. The author (Kayla Boschert) wants it to be a surprise!!!! She want them to be surprised.

Well sorry guys can't tell you what the gender is. But leave a comment on what you think the twins are and leave 2 names for both genders. Well this ends my time here so I will see you guys in the next chapter. 

LOVE- Tayler Holder

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