MB- Saved

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Story details-

Mable is 21 and lives in New York while attending college there. Dipper is Fords apprentice back at Gravity Falls so she's on her own. 

Mabel's POV

I was walking back from my college to my apartment. I had stayed late to finish up a project so it was pretty dark out. I only lived a few blocks away, so I decided not to take the bus. A decision I was now regretting. 

I kept walking, now only about five minutes from my apartment, but I looked over to my right and thought I saw someone. I shrugged it off and walked faster. Then I saw someone on my left, coming towards me. I turned the other way, about to cross the street, but someone else was over there, coming towards me as well. I turned back around and started walking faster. I reached down to my pocket for my knife. I always kept one on me. I opened the blade and gripped it tight in my hand.

I turned the corner that led to my apartment but felt my heat drop when I met a dead end. "Shit, wrong turn" I thought. Fuck Fuck Fuck

I turned around ready to run, when I saw the three men standing in my way. 

"well well well" the largest spoke with a sickening voice "Whats a pretty girl doing out alone at this hour" the other two started to walk closer to me. 

"Stay away" I said, trying to hide my fear. 

"Oh come on" the one to my right laughed "We'll walk you home" he reached out to grab my arm but I plug my knife up, slicing his cheek open. "Ahg!" he screamed and stumbled back. I felt a force hit me, knocking me to the ground. I dropped my knife, and before I could grab it again, it was kicked away form me. 

"You little bitch" the one I cut screamed, gripping my throat and pulling me up to my knees. They were surrounding me now. And I was defenses. My thoughts scrambled around trying to find a way out of this, but I couldn't think straight. My vision started to go blurry from lack of oxygen and I felt my self blacking out. 

Just as I was about to blackout, I heard a scream and the grip was released from my throat. I fell down, gasping for breath. I kept hearing the screams behind me, but I was more focused on breathing again.

I looked up and saw a figure through my blurry vision kneeling down next to me

"Are you alright?" he smirked, cupping my face with his hand. I jolted back and he stood up. I blinked a few times, before standing up. I finally got a good look at him. He was well dressed in a color scheme of black and yellow, wearing a skinny top hat and a bowtie. His hair was black and yellow as well. He was also pretty hot, but I didn't have time to think about that at the moment. 

"...Yeah" I said, not sounding confident in my answer though. I looked over, where the mangled bodies of my attackers were laying. If you could even call them bodies anymore. They looked at though they were burned alive. Their red  skeletons covered in blood, mixed with burnt flesh lay there in managed positions. I wanted to throw up. The man who save me noticed this and pulled my me away from looking at them.

"It's okay, you're safe now" he said in a smooth reassuring voice. His voice. I knew his voice. I recognized it. From where?

"T-thanks" I stuttered backing away from him a little. He was kind enough to give me space. Even though he saved me, I still didn't trust him. 

"Of course" he replied. I was silent for a moment while I calmed down. 

"I, uh, I should get going" I said, looking away from him, only to have my gaze meet the mangled corpses. I started walking away when I heard him run up next to me.

"I'll walk you there" he offered, walking along side of me. I thought about this for a moment. I didn't trust him, but he did save me? What was I supposed to do, continue to walk home alone? "You don't really have a lot of options" he said as if replying to my thoughts.

"I-I guess not" he chuckled

"Then lets get moving" I led the way to my apartment, which was only a block or two away now. It was reassuring to have someone with me, but it was also unsettling for that person to be a complete stranger. I looked over at him.

"I'm Mabel, by the way" I said. He looked down at me and smiled

"Hi Mabel" I waited for him to introduce himself, but he didn't. Weird.

When we got to my apartment, I opened the door and turned to him. "Uh thanks again" I sad quietly "Bye" I stepped inside and was about to close the door, but my heart stopped when I felt it stop. He held the door open and walked closer so that he was almost inside my home.

"You sure you don't want some company?" he smirked looking down at me. Shit shit shit

"Um, no. I'm good" I tried to close the door, but he held it open.

"Aw come on" he laughed "why not?"

"I'm sorry, I don't even know you're name" I said, getting angry. All guys are the same.

"Oh" he said in a fake offended tone "I'm hurt you don't remember me after all we've been through, Shootingstar." My mouth fell open, when the realization suddenly hit me

"Bill?!" I backed up away from the door "B-but, we defeated you almost 10 years ago?" He laughed, then walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"You really think a couple of kids can beat me?" he chuckled, closing in on me. I backed up until I hit a wall.

"Get away from me" I cried helplessly. He walked up to me, pinning me to the wall. He leaned into my ear

"Or what" he whispered. I turned my head away from his

"What do you want from me. Revenge?"

"Now now Shootingstar, why would I do that"

"Maybe because you're insane!" I yelled at him, thinking back to weirmegedon, and the mangled bodies on the ground. What was he going to do to me?

"don't worry" he laughed "I would never hurt you Shootingstar" he looked down at me

"Why not?"

"Well why would I?" he placed my fingers under my chin, pulling it up to look at him. Before I knew what was happening, he pulled me in for a kiss. I wanted to pull away, to scream, to run. But I didn't. I found myself kissing back. His lips were soft and warm. His arm around my waist was comforting. I felt safe with him, and despite everything about me telling me this was wrong, I couldn't help but lean in to the kiss. 

He pulled away, but still hovered close to my face. "I love you Mabel" I looked up at him


"Because you're my Star"

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