MB- Sneaking Out

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Mabel and Dipper are 17 and spending the Sumer in Gravity Falls again. Dipper wants to spend the summer hunting the notorious Bill Cipher. Little does he know, Mabel has already found him. In fact, she's been dating him for two years now.

Mabel's POV

"Come on mabes," Dipper finished tying his shoes and jumped up "We gotta go," he grabbed his bag and my graphing hook.

"Why do we have to leave at 6 in the morning?"

"Because thats when it comes out!" Dipper whisper yelled. He has been trying to find and capture this dragon for a few days now. He thinks if were able to get it, it can help us catch Bill. I know thats not true though. Bill told me the dragon doesn't actually posses any magic, so I play along with dippers little scheme.

"Ugh, fine," I groaned and slipped out of bed. "I'm tired dip"

"I told you we were getting up early" he tossed my jacket to me "What time did you go to bed?"

"10, same as you" I lied. Well, closer to 3, probably. 

"Then why are you so tired?"

"I don't know" Yes I do. I snuck out to go see Bill all night. Thats really the only time I can see him, considering I can't really just say, 'hey dipper, I'm dating your arch nemesis! Hope thats okay.' So, its been a secret for a couple years now.

"Well, lets go. We only have a certain amount of time that I know its out"

"Alright" I jumped up, took my grappling hook from him, and we walked out the door


We had been walking in the forest for almost an hour now, and we still didn't find anything. I was getting really tired, but I didn't complain about it. He knew I was though. 

We kept walking and I knew our window was closing shortly. Dipper had figured out that it only came out from about 6-7 in the morning and at night. And we couldn't go out at night because there were to many other dangerous creatures out then. Dipper wanted to only focus on the dragon. 

"Alright Mabel" dipper turned to me and stopped walking. "I think we missed it." he looked really disappointed. I felt kind of bad

"Its alright dip, well try again tomorrow morning" I gave him a pat on the back

"Yeah," he smiled "Well I guess we should-"


Our heads shot up in the direction of the sudden loud noise. We could see trees about 100 yard away from us shaking and being toppled down.

"D-dipper" I backed up behind him

"Get behind me" he pulled out journal #3 ands flipped to the page about the dragon "Its okay, the journal says its not as dangerous as out looks," we looked down at the journal and started re-reading its weaknesses. "Fire and Unicorn Blood" Luckily, Dipper had some left over Unicorn blood he kept in a jar. I dug it out of his backpack and held it tightly.


We heard a louder snap right in front of us and slowly looked up to see what had caused it. I gasped and Dipper threw a hand over my mouth as we looked up and saw the dragon. It was at least 50 feet tall and looking right at us.


"I- I, uh"

"I thought you said it was no larger than a horse!"

"I thought it was"

"Well obviously-" I was cut off by a blast of fire headed right towards us. I screamed and Dipper grabbed my hand and started running out of the way. 

"Come on!" he yelled and we started running away from the dragon. We ran through the forest, but the dragon was quickly gaining on us, trampling down treed in its path. I made the mistake of looking back and saw a bunch of claws swinging towards me. When they hit, they cut my arm deep and sent me flying into a tree. When I hit the ground, I heard something snap, but couldn't feel anything.

"Mabel!" Dipper screamed and ran to protect me. The dragon stalked forwards towards its prey. "Stay back!" Dipper threw the unicorn blood at it, which did absolutely nothing except piss it off. It roared at is, and pinned Dipper to the ground, while getting closer to me, its mouth heating up ready to fire a blast, I screwed my eyes shut and pushed back into the tree I was against


"Mabel run," I tried to get up and run, but I couldn't. I couldn't move my ankle. Shit, its broken. This is how I'm going to die. With a fucking broken ankle. I looked away and waited for the fire to hit me. The dragon breathed out the flames, but just before they hit, Bill suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking them with his own. The dragon yelped in pain as blue flames entangled around it, forming into chains and pinning the dragon to the ground. It gave one last roar, before the chains cut threw its hide, killing it. I breathed a sight of relief

"What the fuck" Dipper started at the dragons corpse. I looked up to Bill and stood up, throwing my arms around him

"Shootingstar, are you alright?" he pulled away and looked over me, then healed my injuries with his blue flames before pulling me back in. 

"Yes," I said into his chest "Thank you Bill." He held me for a moment before I remembered Dipper was still standing there.

"Bill!" he yelled looking at him, "As in Bill Cipher?!"

"Hey Pinetree," Bill let go of me with a smirk and turned to him. "long time no see."

"Mabel, what the fuck is going on!" Shit, I knew he must be really mad. He rarely cusses

"Dipper, listen, I knew you'd be mad, so I didn't tell you"

"Tell me what?" I looked at Bill, pleading him to help me explain. He didn't. Shit head. I rolled my eyes and kept trying to explain this to Dipper.

"Dipper, I've been... seeing Bill"


"For two years," he looked at me, then to Bill, then back to me

"So you mean to tell me, for the past two years that I've been trying to find and kill this demon," he spat the word like it was venom, "You've been dating him!"

"Dipper, listen. I'm sorry. I knew you'd be mad so I didn't tell you at first. I wanted to, but you seem so bent on killing him, I was scared you'd hate me for it"

"Mabes, I dont hate you. I just" he sighed and looked away "Why him?" he looked back "Why him, after everything he's done to us? Why?"

"Dipper, he-"

"Pinetree," Bill butted in and I looked up at him in surprise "I'm sorry for everything I've done, really. But I do love your sister. And while I don't care whether or not you like it, I know it would break her if you hated her for this. So please, don't." Dipper looked just as surprised as I was that he said that. 

"Well" Dipper thought about it "As long as you don't EVER hurt her, and you don't try to take over the universe anymore, I don't really mind, that much." I looked up at him and tackled him in a hug

"OMG thank you Dip Dot"

"Yeah yeah, just don't let him do anymore evil demon shit"

"Got it, no more evil demon shit"

"Dammit" Bill muttered. I laughed and waled over to give him a hug. We all walked back to the shack together, finally all as friends. 

"I love you guys"

"I love you to"

"Love you to mabes"

The End

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