BD- Do You Care?

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It's Weirdmegedon time! The rift has shattered and Bill is releasing chaos into Gravity Falls. Dipper and Bill aren't officially in a relationship, but they both like each other. A lot. Oh, also Bill is always in human form, but he's still a demon, and Dipper is 17.

Dipper's POV

I ran through the woods, trying to get to the floating pyramid in the sky. I have no idea where Mabel is and Grunkle Ford is gone. The third journal is all I have to try to get him back.

Bill. How could he do this? How could he? I thought-

I shook my head. I thought wrong. He doesn't like me, and he most likely never will. No matter how I feel.

I slapped my self back to reality and kept running. I needed to find Mabel and get Grunkle Ford back. Yes, that's what I'm doing.

Though, as hard as I tried to convince myself that was what I was doing, I knew it was wrong. I was going to try to find Bill.

I wanted to see him so badly. Part of me didn't care about Weirdmegedon. Honestly, I didn't know what I was more upset about. The end of the world, or Bill not liking me the way I like him.

I tried not to think about it and kept running through the woods, dodging through the trees that got thicker the further I went in. And the pyramid didn't seem to be getting any closer.

"Dammit," I breathed as I stopped and leaned down on a tree. I painted to catch my breath. "God dammit!" I screamed and kicked the tree. "Ow." Good job Dipper. How did that help? I mentally scolded myself.

I looked back up at the sky. It was blood red. "Huh," I chuckled to myself. "The end of the world is scary." I fell back and sat down. "What the hell am I going to do?" I glanced at the journal before picking it up and flipping through it. Finally, I reached the page.

Bill Cipher

I've read this page so many times, that I basically have it memorized. But I didn't know what could help me right now. It's not like I could-

I stopped thinking as I stared down at the page, realizing what I could do. Quickly I jumped up and started working on the summoning spell. It was my only chance to get to him.

I scrambled around to get sticks and other materials to make the summoning circle. When it was done, I recited the spell. 

"Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!" I chanted aloud. A bright blue light blinded me and I shield my eyes away for a moment. When I looked back, Bill was standing there with a smirk plastered on his perfect face.

"Pinetree," he smirked. 

"B-Bill," I tried to sputter out. He only laughed at me.

"You really think you can summon me? Weirdmegedon has begun. I don't have to play by those silly rules anymore." He walked toward me and I backed away.

"Then why did you come?" I felt my back hit a tree, and I was trapped as he came closer. I tried to keep my eyes on the ground but he pressed closer and I couldn't help but look up into his eyes. His golden eyes. Right above that smirk that seemed to only grow.

"Why do you think, Pinetree," he breathed down in my ear in a husky voice. My breath hitched and I looked back down.

"I- I don't-"

"Yes, you do Pinetree. You've always known. And I've always known how you feel about me." I looked back at him with wide eyes. We both always knew there was something, but that was the first time one of us verbalized it. "So, how do you feel?"

"..." I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. 

"Pinetree," he chimed.

"I- I don't know," I lied.

"Pinetree," he knelt down so he was eye level. "You know I can read minds." I gulped and he laughed. "Do you want to see something cool?" I looked up and saw an insane excitement in his eyes. Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers and we were standing on top of the fearamid. 

I looked away from him and gazed out onto the town. It was up in flames. People were screaming, being burned alive, eaten alive, dismembered, and other unspeakable acts of violence. I scanned the town, hoping I wouldn't see Mabel out there.

"Don't worry, she's safe." I spun around to meet his smirk with teary eyes. 


"You see," he pointed off to a bubble with a shooting star on it and I turned to see it. "She's safe in there for now." I stared at the bubble for a few moments bore turning back to him. "Pinetree, I did all this for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Now we can be together!" He takes both my hands in his and stares into my eyes with a wonders bewilderment. "Nothing will stop us now. No one will get in our way. And no other human or demon will have you but me." His voice grew scarier at the last part like he would never let me go. Which was probably true.

"B-bill." I turned my head to look at the town. Even though we were high up in the air, I could still hear the screamed, smell the smoke. It was horrifying. And to think that most of his family and friends were down there, in that.

"Don't you like it Pinetree?" He growled and I snapped my head back to his. I just realized my face was streaked with tears. 

"Bill, stop this." I saw a flash of red in his eyes, then a look of hurt.

"What? I did this for YOU!"

"Bill please, this is wrong," I screamed over everything else. He let go of my hands and took a step towards me. Any look of hurt had been replaced by sheer anger.

"Whats so wrong about wanting to be with you!" I backed away from him as he kept walking towards me."

"Bill, I- this- you can't- please," I stuttered out until I reached the end of the fearamind. I tilted backward and almost fell off until Bill caught me and held me up. He still towered over me and I was leaning backward off the floating pyramid in the sky.

"Pinetree! You can't tell me what to do."

"Bill please," I cried. "You can't do this to them!"

"I don't care about them, I care about you!"

"If you really care, then stop this."

"Then we won't be together!" He screamed and pulled me up, then throwing me to the ground. I quickly sat up and turned to face him.

"Y-yes we can."

"No Pinetree! It's not possible! That's why I started wierdmegedon! I created a dimension with no rules, no laws, just chaos. I thrive on that chaos, you will thrive on that chaos, and in the middle of it can be us!" He walked over to it and knelt down next to me. "You can rule it with me Pinetree." I looked up at him, at a lost for words. "Pinetree, you know you want to." I shook my head.

"N-no, I-"

"Do you not want to be together?" He growled, turning red again.

"Bill, I do. I really do. But not at the expense of everyone else. Bill, please, stop it. We can still be together." He looked away from me.

"I can't."

"Yes, you can Bill. Please." He didn't respond. "Do you care?" He looked back at me and just stared at me for a moment, before leaning in and pulling my head closer, connecting our lips. The kiss was rough, and gentle, at the same time sending sparks through my whole body. And honestly, I never thought my first kiss would be in the middle of an apocalypse, which the demon who was causing it. But here I am.

When he pulled back, he stared at me again before breaking the silence.

"Of course I care Pinetree."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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