Chapter Two: Violence Can Sometimes Work In Your Favor

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"GET AWAY FROM HER!" He clenched his hands into fists and blocked Charlotte's body with his own, stretching his wings out to block her from view. "TOUCH HER AND YOU DIE!" For some reason the seeker in front of him just laughed.

Oh my, well aren't you a knight in shining armor.

As she said this the rest of the seekers circled around him, blocking him and Charlotte in the center, with nowhere to run.

We already have the boy, we just need Charlotte. No harm has to come to you our your camp. Just give us the girl.

The voices echoed through his thoughts, bouncing around in his head. Charlotte wasn't going anywhere, not when he could stop it.

"Get away from her," he hissed through his fangs, his voice dripping with poison-like anger. His fingers crackled with fire and he held it in the palms of his hands, letting the flames flicker up to his elbows. He welcomed the heat, it felt powerful.

The seekers moved, their cloaks swirling around them. The wind picked up, swirling, and howling in the redwood trees around them. He struck, letting his flames enhance his punches. Seekers howled as he burned through their cloaks. One seeker got close to Charlotte and he whirled using his wings to leap and attack from above. He landed pinning the seeker to the ground.

He placed his hand around the bandage around it's eyes. It instantly caught fire, and was reduced to ash within seconds. The seeker shrieked and writhed on the ground. Trying to get its arms free but it had no luck. It looked into the sunlight and exploded.

Exploded into a billion pieces.

He heard a collective gasp as blood flew into his face. Bits of the seeker flew everywhere and he tried hard not to be sick. He stood up wiping the seeker's remains from himself, and looked around him.

All of the other seekers had stepped back away from him, in terror.

"What now you back off? Is that all it really took? Are you kidding me?" He said. He was beside himself, and using all of his willpower not to burst into laughter. Seekers weren't as powerful as he thought.

Sun blinds us young dragonite. And the sun will once again blind us into oblivion. Sunlight is our weakness, and you have found it. Unfortunately it's too late. Aspen is ours, and Charlotte will be ours soon as well.

Now he let himself laugh.

"You think I will ever let you have her? You think my people will let you run off with her brother? You may have him now, but we will find you, and I will personally smite you all."

You are all talk, dragonite. We know how weak you really are. Filled with rage, short temper, and all for revenge. We are some of many, and trying to kill all of us would be suicide.

They were right about his temper, but he wasn't weak. His hands caught fire and he grinned.

"I will take that as a challenge then!" He flapped his wings with such a force that the trees shook. But, the seekers were already gone. Lost to the wind, and Aspen had gone with them.

The height of battle was over, and he found himself riddled with guilt. He had let them get away, let them take one of the people he swore to watch. One of the people he swore to protect. He wasn't expecting there to be so many seekers, and he had been caught off guard. 

At least he had saved one of them, and even she was hurt and unconscious on the ground behind him.

He turned, and bent down to Charlotte. Her dark lashes resting solemnly on her cheeks. Blood was trickling down her forehead where she had hit her head, turning her blue hair to a dark purple where the blood mixed with it. She needed to get back to camp, and fast.

Slowly, he reached his hands under Charlotte and attempted to pull her into his arms, but pain shot through his side as he did so.

He looked down and now noticed how bad the wound in his side actually was. His shirt and jacket were thoroughly soaked in his blood. He had to close the wound before he could keep going.

With one motion he lifted his shirt and placed his hand over his side and let the fire return to his hand. It stung and he heard his own flesh burn. He let out an agonizing scream. Hold on, don't pass out, you can do this, you have a mission. He thought as he pulled his hand away from his side. The wound was burned closed, and the pain was too great to feel it anymore.

He took Charlotte into his arms and flew upwards, feeling her body droop. She was fading fast.

Charlotte was going to live if he hurried, and for now, that was enough.


"I wanted both of them! Why have you brought me only one?"

North, sir. The dragonite burned Chamille. She..well she kind of... she exploded. We had to escape while we had the chance.

The seeker said, placing her arms behind herself as she kneeled, attempting to make herself as small as possible while she bowed to North.

"That is nonsense! You had an army! One dragonite should be no problem! We have smited entire villages of them with less of you before!" North yelled.

He was stronger than we were prepared for. Attacking in daylight is a chance we have never taken. We...we explode in the sunlight, and he figured that out. If we hadn't left when we did we wouldn't have survived with the boy. Aspen Claywater would not be with us if we hadn't left when we did. Please, you have to understand- but she was cut off as a hand smacked across her face. The seeker tried not to whimper as she felt cold blood trickle down her cheek. He had slapped her with a clawed hand.

"You do not have the right to speak to me with that tone. That tone of weakness. I have trained you to be strong. Now fetch me Aspen. I wish to speak with him." North spat.

North, sir, he is um...he is..

"Stop stalling! Or do you wish to experience the power of sunlight for yourself?"

No, sir. Aspen Claywater is in no condition to meet you yet. He hasn't had any training. I bet he doesn't even know what supernaturals are. He would be useless to you now. Give us some time with him. We will have him whipped into shape by the end of the month. I promise you, sir.

She tried to still her shaking body as she listened, waiting to hear what North wished to say next. Being blind she could only listen to North's movements.

But she only heard silence.

Um..sir? Am I dismissed-

She heard his footsteps, coming closer to her. She felt his hand on her shoulder, and felt North's breath on her neck as he spoke.

"You get three days with him. And if he is not ready by then, well you know what will happen. Meanwhile, I am going to figure out how to get Charlotte." He spoke with such intensity that she shook. "Do I make myself clear?"

Y..Yes, sir-

"DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" He shouted, causing her to jump and shudder away from North.

Yes! Crystal clear sir! Three days!

North stood up and pulled her upwards with him.

"Go! Get out of my sight! Now!" North howled.

The seeker bowed and quickly exited the room to find her fellow seekers. Training begun now.


There will possibly be another scene here. Leave a comment for thoughts on more scenes to add to this chapter. Or if you like it the way it is say #Perfect in the comments! :) Have a wonderful day! :)

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