Making friends

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Being dragged out of the meeting place was bad enough, being dragged somewhere unknown with a sack over his head was worst in Alfred’s opinion “hey let me go, dudes…” he kept calling out to the people taking him, in the hope that they would listen and tell him what is happening “shut up, will ya” someone called back, after a few more moments of endless blackness the sack was removed from his head and the view of a mean looking guy holding a knife was shown instead he seemed to be waiting for him on the other side of the endless night “keep talking like that and someone may think you are being kidnapped” the man pointed out “I am being kidnapped” Alfred replied, he remembered that he had an important date tonight with a mountain of important paper work that he had been procrastinating for weeks and his boss had told him to get it done before the next meeting he has or he may just kill him, so Alfred decided that it would be best not to fight anymore and just play along a and find out what’s happening as a true American never admitted defeat. “fine just tell me what you want” he said with a huff “you’re playing nice now, I was told you would have started a fight and I would of had to hurt you but never mind this way is easier and quicker, well my name is not important and for your purposes if you need to call me something I’m called unknown so if you speak no one will believe you okay, we are going to hire you for a job…” being cut off “what kind of job” Alfred then understood to shut up after Unknowns hand swiftly belted his around the face “do not speak unless needed… anyway we need you to kill someone for us, it may be in your best interest if you do” Unknown picked up a photo and showing it to Alfred “you recognize this person?” Alfred’s heart thumped hard in his chest “that’s Eng… Arthur, you want me to kill him” the frightened American asked again unsure if this was just some sick joke that someone set up  maybe France, or Russia but no with the tension in the room he knew this was no joke “oh yes you see, we know you are close to him, so you would make the perfect assassin for him” a cruel smile appeared on his face “I won’t kill him you do it” Alfred replied throwing the photo back “we can’t we have tried you see we know about Arthur being the personification of England and you are the personification of America, we also know about Arthur’s little magic powers and that he has created a barrier around him that will stop anything from killing or hurting him we have tried in the past and that is how we know about this, so we looked into it and found out only someone who cares for that person can penetrate the barrier because of course someone who cares for this person couldn’t possible hurt them so you are going to kill him for me, oh and if you don’t I shot you here and now, if you accept and give up later I shot you where you stand also one of my snipers will be listening and watching you all the time so if you betray us you are dead” unknown replied “so I have to do it no matter what” Alfred said broken and beaten “yes I know you have a gun so you can use that we don’t want anything to trace back to us so I guess that is all you need to know and all I am telling you oh yea you have seven days to kill him so better get it over and done with now so not to break his little heart” a sack was once again placed over his head but this time the smell of chloroform filled is nose and he fell onto the hard ground.

“oi, wake up you bloody wanker” Alfred felt someone prodding him then a sharp slap around his face he recognised the annoyed Brit at once “ow, Iggy why did you have to do that” he complained “well because its looks so un proper you sleeping there on the path now doesn’t it, and why the hell are you still here I thought you would jump at the chance when you found out you no longer have to be in the country of the worst food in history I think that’s how you and France put it geez get up you’re getting really dirty” a highly annoyed Brit said “where am I… I remember going out the meeting then what happened, I’m really not sure then I woke up here, my head is a mess, hey Iggy do you know what happened to me…” Alfred asked standing up “I have no bloody idea why you would be lying on one of the busy paths in London it’s pretty much unknown to me why you decide to take a nap maybe you had one hamburger to many or something” the Brit said walking away, the word Unknown hit Alfred like a brick he remembered all that he had forgotten and that he had to murder Arthur “hey Iggy can I stay at your place for a while” he asked catching up to him “would you stop calling me Iggy it’s annoying I have a proper name you know, and why would you want to stay with me?” he asked slowing down so the American could catch up “well we have that second meeting back over here next week, since my places meeting hall is being redone and well it’s going to be a waste of time flying to my place just to come back here again, so can I stay with you Iggy please?” he asked using puppy dog eyes “fine just don’t call me Iggy” the Brit replied knowing that Alfred would not take no for an answer he had tried before and failed "yay thanks Iggy" he said hugging the Brit "cool I will go get my stuff from the hotel and then go to your place I think I remember where it is, anyway see you later dude" Alfred called walking away.

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