Day 5-

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Alfred yawned opening his eyes to another morning the sun shining through his curtains onto his pillow where his eyes where just how every person wanted to get woken up, he sighed and walked out onto the landing still in his PJ bottoms he walked over to Arthur’s room to see he was already up, walking over to the Brit study he knocked gently then walked in “morning Iggy how long have you been up” Alfred asked the Brit, “its afternoon now” the Brit said turning around the first thing he noticed was Alfred bare chest how fit and ripped he was considering all he ever ate was junk food a blush crept across the Brits face he turned back around “I think I got up at five maybe six” he said quickly bottling down his emotion and trying to control his thoughts “Iggy you’re going to get ill again if you keep working so much” Alfred complained “I’m fine Alfred you should go make something to eat I already ate” he said looking back down to his work, the American left the room “oh… Alfred only if you knew how I really feel” the Brit said quietly before focusing on his work once again. Downstairs Alfred noticed the sconces he made yesterday have all gone, he smiled to himself before setting out the ingredients to make more, Alfred enjoyed baking not many people knew this in fact not even his own brother whoever that was knew, he had been learning to bake scones to try and impress the Brit and was happy it worked, anyway whilst he was baking his phone went off he already knew who it was so instead of answering he just dropped it in the washing up bowl, he was sick of listening to the bringer of death with his daily countdown he watched as his phone fizzed slightly as the water got into the electrics he smiled knowing that the last couple of days will be more peaceful he got on with the task at hand mixing ingredients to make scones, once finished he put them in the oven set the timer than walked up stairs to get dressed, changing into his spare clothes he thought about how he was going to end his best friends life maybe I will just shot him in the back so he won’t feel it, beeping downstairs reminded him the scones needed to come out of the oven, he put on his shirt as he walked downstairs, he pulled out the scones and set them aside it was already two and not knowing what to do he went to watch T.V he was trying to find shows he recognised but couldn’t so he just put the news on, an hour must of past without his noticing as the news started repeating he sighed changing channel, not long after this Arthur walked in “do you only watch T.V surely you have better things to do, also why was your mobile in the washing up bowl?” he asked “I kept getting spam calls and they were annoying, and I had nothing better to do” Alfred replied “you could of just turned your phone off dunking it was a little over the top” Arthur said leaving the room “wait Iggy, I’m bored can’t we do something” the American asked “I’m sorry I haven’t finished my work yet I can’t get behind again” was all Alfred heard before the study door closed once again, Alfred was bored and needed something to do, he walked up stairs and entered the study “Iggy I’m going out, do you need anything?” he asked “could you buy some more tea Earl Grey if possible” the Brit replied “okay” Alfred said before leaving, he walked back down stairs and picked up his wallet he was going to get some hamburgers from the nearby McDonalds today was nice but there where grey clouds threatening the sky but just the typical British weather Alfred was walking down one of the streets when suddenly he was pulled into a side alleyway “you missed my called Alfred” he knew that voice it was Unknown’s “I dropped my phone in the sink sorry must of missed ya” the American replied smugly he was punched in the gut causing him to crumple “I’m surprised you have not learnt that I do not like your smugness or annoying answer” he sighed leaving the alley, after Alfred recovered from his gut ache he managed to get out of the alley god he needed that hamburger now, he walked into the closest McDonalds and order ten big mac’s he got a strange look from the lady at the till but she gave him them anyway he sat at a seat near the window and ate he did not notice that someone had sat with him until he noticed a hand stealing his fries “hey what do you think you’re doing” he asked the young lady sitting with him the only thing that stood out about her was that her right eye was crimson and the other eye was an opal white and long midnight black hair “I got bored and hungry watching you pig out and I felt that my boss wouldn’t care If I spoke to you it’s not like he told me not to” she told him “wait your one of Unknowns lackeys” he said “wow you’re not a dumb as you look, stop staring at my eyes will you” she said annoyed “but there so weird and lifeless” the American said “the white one is fake the red is real and natural, anyway I can’t wait to stick that bullet in that back of your head I know you won’t kill your British friend, now I must be off it was nice meeting you kind of” she said stealing another hamburger and walking off it took the American a moment to realise that she had stolen over half of his burgers, he sighed and left, he walked back to the house remembering to buy teabags he went off course to the local shop and brought them as well as a big bar a chocolate, as he got back to the house the light was slowly fading he went inside and found the Brit asleep on the sofa he smiled to himself putting the tea in the kitchen and walking back to the sleeping Brit carefully taking him upstairs his room…

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