Day 1-

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England was woken that morning with a loud crash from down stairs "burglars maybe" he then remembered the idiot America had ask to stay over, looking at the clock Arthur saw it was only 7:30 am Alfred is never up in till after 10, getting up Arthur put on his dressing gown and walked down stairs to see the mess, Alfred was kneeling on the ground picking up a broken mug and cleaning up spilt tea "what the bloody hell happened here" Arthur asked causing the American to jump dropping the shards and causing them to break once again "ow... I was going to bring you morning tea as a thanks for letting me stay, but I saw something strange and stopped some of the tea slashed on to my hand and I dropped the rest I'm sorry Iggy" Alfred answering hanging his head with shame "Alfred doesn't that hurt" Arthur asked " what hurt" he replied " your hand is bleeding can't you tell" Arthur replied grabbing his hand "come on I will sort it out for you" pulling him into the down stairs bath room and pulling the first- aid box off the shelf. after dressing the would they went back out to tidy up the broken mug "thanks Iggy, it still hurts though could you kiss it better" Alfred  asked holding it out "no, I stop doing that after you grew up I'm not going to baby you" Arthur turned around to hide the slight blush that had spread across his face "I'm going to get dressed now, so try not to break anything more" Arthur started walking up stairs "okay Iggy I won’t" after hearing this Arthur turned around "AND STOP CALLING ME BLOODY IGGY I HAVE A PROPER NAME" he turned back around and walked into his room "whatever you say Iggy"

after tidying up America decided to watch some T.V as he wait for England to finish getting changed, after a while America's phone started ringing he answered "Hello this is the Hero speaking..."

"Good morning Alfred I hope you haven't forgot our little agreement"

"no I haven't I got till the end of the week 6 days right no worries it will be done"

"that’s good I just wanted to inform you that my sniper will start stalking you tomorrow just to make sure you don't try anything, not that I don't trust you but I don't, anyway have a good week and all the quicker you get it done the quicker you can get over it"

"I will finish it soon" unknowing to Alfred, Arthur was listening in "what will you finish soon" Arthur asked as Alfred hung up "oh it was just my boss asking when I will get around to doing my paper work" Arthur sighed "if you had work to do why did you want to stay here" he asked sitting down "well we don't spend that much time together anymore, and I wanted to take this opportunity" he replied quickly, "well I'm going to the shop, to buy some food you better come along and pick out things that you want to eat I don't want to have to deal with you complaining about my cooking if you’re going to stay here" Arthur said picking up his wallet "okay" Alfred replied turning off he T.V.

"I want this" Alfred said holding out a family sized pizza "you’re not just going to eat junk food, get a salad or something as well" Arthur said putting the Pizza in the basket waking around he had already picked out ingredients to make some more scones as recently he hasn't over coloured them and thought Alfred may want to try them (keep dreaming) "here I got a salad and ice-cream" Alfred said adding them into the basket "okay if that’s all I'm going to pay you go wait outside don't cause any trouble" Arthur said walking over to the checkout, after paying for the food he walked outside "Alfred we can go know" he said "Alfred?" the American was nowhere to be seen, the Brit decided that he will make his way home Alfred was sure to come back eventually, on his way he heard fighting in an alley he turned into it the stop the fighting Arthur hated fighting in his streets but what he saw was his American fighting against some street  thugs they had knifes and unknowingly to the American  but he was bleeding "Alfred...." the Brit was cut off as he felt a cloth being put on to face the smell of chloroform his sight blurring Alfred turned to see the Brit fall into the arms of one of the mugger's he punched one causing him to fall on his partners pinning them down so they couldn’t move, he turned to save his Brit, he was dropped on the floor as the last guy came to fight him “I would run now, you just hurt my best friend so you may not survive this” America said giving a fair chance he wasn’t going to go easy using all his in human strength as the man charged at him wielding a knife the American grabbed his arm the sound of bones cracking “I did tell you to run” Alfred said punching the guy in the face the sounds of a jaw breaking came the man crumpled to the ground the American ran to the Brits side pulling him off the ground and dusting him off “hey Iggy wake up” he said gently slapping his face when there was no reply his picked the Brit up and his bags and carried them back to the Brits house.

England awoke lying on his bed he could faintly hear singing from the kitchen “Alfred?” he asked quietly still half out of it, he remembered someone putting him under using chloroform, he carefully got out of bed and walked down stairs using the wall as support “Alfred…?” he asked again walking into the kitchen he just made it to the door before his legs gave way, but as he fell he did not feel the cold hard ground in fact he felt two strong arms wrapping around him lifting him up bridal style “yo Iggy you okay?” the person said Arthur opened his eyes to see his American holding him “Alfred it’s okay I just feel a little out of it” Arthur said trying to get out of Alfred arms “it’s okay the HERO will take you back to your bed, you should rest more you were after all dropped on your head” Alfred said turning of the kitchen light and carrying the Brit up stairs, he laid the Brit on his bed “night Arthur” the American said walking to the door “Alfred c..Could you stay… just until I fall asleep I don’t feel safe” the Brit said Alfred just nodded and sat in the chair by the window watching the Brit “oh Arthur if only you knew how unsafe you are” he sighed…

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