You better run and hide-

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Last couple of chapters will be shorter sorry~


After a week of lying and doing nothing Arthur had formed a plan he was putting on one of his old black suits soon it would be painted in red, putting Alfred’s gun in his pocket “I will be with you soon” he whispered he had spent a whole night finding everyone who had anything to do with the Americans death and he was planning to pay them back in kind starting with the Unknown fella, walking out his house the first thing he noticed was some of the other countries seemed to be half camped out in his garden but he just ignored them walking to his car “Ve~ Luddy, Arthur came out the house” the hyper Italian said “hey Arthur are you alright we have been worried” the German asked the Brit just ignored them all and kept walking he got into his car a drove away leaving some very confused Nations he had found out where this Unknown guy lived he already knew who he was they had met before walking into his flat was easy getting to his room was easier killing him was the hard part the went into the guys flat carefully not making a sound walking to the persons bedroom there lying asleep was his target he drew Alfred’s gun pointing to Unknowns head as he took safety off the guy under awoke “I’m here for revenge” the Brit said plainly before pulling the trigger the mans faced turned to shock as the bullet hit walking away the Brit felt happier finally getting revenge knowing that his Alfred was getting closer and closer…

Arthur had been killing men for months now the organisation behind Alfred’s death was nearly gone, but the more killings the more people tried to hide the more people made mistakes and with each shot of Alfred’s gun another person fell always leaving the same message ‘I’m here for revenge’ before blowing their brains out the Brit felt no emotion to this his only thoughts were of finally being with the American he loved, the other nations tried getting in touch with the Brit but he never replied if by any chance one of them saw him he would just walk away he had been ignoring his countries responsibilities but he did not care finally he only had one person left to kill the person who took his Alfred’s life a young girl 16  her name was put down as X but he knew she would have a proper name but anything he ever looked at returned him to this girl X she was going to pay dearly for firing them bullets for the first time in months he returned to his house the garden was un kept and over grown there was dust everywhere, he went inside and laid on Alfred’s bed and went to sleep for tomorrow X would die. Waking up early was never a problem for the Brit he got up and left his house and walked down the streets of London X lived in a manor house outside the city but he needed some food he went to his favourite meal and order his favourite meal Scones and tea the scones where not as good as the ones Alfred made him all that time ago but they were still good enough for him, he walked back to his car a drove to the manor he expected lots of people to be there considering how big it was but no there was no one but X, he walked through every room until he entered her bedroom she was sitting staring out her window “Come in Arthur I know why you are here, I understand your reasons and I won’t try to stop you, I found out about you looking in all the data files trying to find us all I helped you with getting some of the highly protected data, you may not even want to know this but I only joined this organisation to close it down sadly it made me corrupt please end my life now” X turned to the Brit showing him her lifeless and dead eyes he pulled the trigger blood showered her room his last problem was dead he slowly walked through the house back to his car no one could stop him now he was going to return to his American, but X was not dead yet but she did not go for revenge in fact she sent a message to most of the Nations warning them of Arthur plans she still died just how she was meant to just slower and more agonising, when the Brit got home he was confronted by Francis “Arthur listen to me…. ARTHUR KIRKLAND you better listen to me I don’t care how you feel or what you’re thinking but killing yourself is not the answer” he said the Brit turned to him “I’m not going to die I’m going to where Alfred is” Arthur replied half mad before closing and locking the door behind him no one was going to stop him from his plans, he slowly walked upstairs smiling to himself finally happy finally free walking up stairs taking a step at a time as if he’s body was hurting so much he couldn’t move any quicker, he slowly walked into the room Alfred slept in there was his blood stained the sheets but it still faintly smelt of the American The Brit heart ached as he sat on the edge….

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