Chapter 6 - The Mysterious Figure

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A/N this story is rated as any age, though if you can please don't read until you understand what the mental trauma of his situation is... anyway for those who do want a lemon, here have one *Auther picks up a lemon and throws it*, now go make some apple juice. This is a more a bit more of a fluffy chapter than those previous. This has basically become a session where I can tell others a story instead of reading and I think you all for that... here's chapter 6...

A giant toad stood in front of us. It was looking at us. Right into our eyes, gazing into our souls. The toad, had a giant scar across his face, and missing a few toes here and there. And it was angry. It looked like it was a sucker for pain. I looked at it again and that's when it hit me. There was a man on top. He had a hat like a peacock. The toad, a face full of rage, his giant broadsword was 45 meters long. He was walking towards us, the man on his head cloaked in shadows. He was a toad clan member, his tattoos gave that much away. "Hey you, what are you doing here?" The toad asked angrily. "Leave them alone they are mine," the mysterious man on top said, "I will kill them... maybe, maybe not."

The fight started after that, the toad made a hop that was at least a kilometre and stopped. My sister stated pulling arrows and firing them from her bow, the mysterious figure advanced on her slashing arrows left right and centre. Advancing still, he got to her at a very fast pace. He started trading blows with her neither giving nor gaining an inch. She slashing with such ferocity that I had never seen before, and he a calm rage of blows.

In that minute more blows were parried than an army could in a hour. The duel raged on for a very long 5 minutes but eventually my sister was pushed to the ground, lifted up her visor and his face softened a lot. "Very good swordsmanship, mi'lady." He said "my name is Keluta, I'm am not familiar with you tattoos." Obviously he had not seen the big wolf, on her neck. "We are of the wolf clan, me and my brother, I'm their leader. My name is Cammilla, and this is my brother Perseus Wolf-brother also know as the wolf fang." He was very surprised, as it showed on his face. He turned to me and said "Please don't take offence, your sister is known as the most beautiful woman in the Wolf Clan which is quite a feat as they are all handsome and beautiful. And yes I'd really like to travel with you." I knew the look on my sister's face, love. The last I had seen of that look was before our parents had died. My twin was happy again and it really made me feel like my baby twin was growing up.

"I know the question you are going to ask me. He can come, if he can learn to ride a warg. He probably can learn and he needs to don his new armour." I said. "Eeeeeek!" My sister screamed in excitement, threw her arms around him and was conquered by him. The look of extreme happiness on their faces. There goofy smiles and the serenity in there eyes.

It melted me completely, and my pang of guilt was magnified because she had the same expression of happiness that my wife had. It nearly caused me to collapse. It was traumatic, provoking my madness. I felt it rising up inside of me. Wanting to break free. It was as if it knew that the saints were marching in soon and the madness being expelled. It took control and I walked off so I couldn't harm them. About 15 minutes a group of soldiers tried to arrest me and tried to kill me. The soldiers learned the true state of my madness in their mutilation. Guts and insides draped everywhere.

The vultures had gorged them selves on the carrion, and a few brave ones decided to follow me. I gave the rest of them more meat to chew on. I staggered back to find them asleep, hugging each other. I walked slowly and carefully to a tree, climbed up to the fork in the branches. Then fell asleep.

The part that hurt the most was me. Not anyone else felt my pain. My sister being threatened, a rouge Admiral, a missing wife, and to top it all off I was walking off into the sunset of an era. An era of pain and suffering.

Insanity has made me a better person. It has allowed me to see the world in a different way. Worst of all my wife is suffering. Vultures flight around the hollowed out mountain. The caves of blackness and darkness. Calling out to me telling me to stay out. The way in which they guard is the way to death.

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