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I was walking to my locker when Austin caught up with me and punched my shoulder.

"Why did you leave?" He asks me and I stop and turn to stare at him.

"Seriously? You don't know why I left?" He shakes his head "I can't stand her saying how 'good looking' other guys are. I like her so much but she can't see that. It's so unfair" I lean against my locker and put my head in my hands.

"Dude, get over her. The only reason you like her is because she's pretty, popular, smart, talented..." I stare at him "I'm not helping at all am I?" He asks and I just shake my head.

"Um... ok. Well, you could try and get over her. She's not the only girl out there and she Is your best friend. You really don't want to lose that friendship, do you?" I shake my head and stand up.

"You're right. I can get over her and I will. She's not the only girl I've ever fancied and she won't be the last!"

"Good. Now, the basketball competition starts in half an hour and we really need to go and get changed. Also, the cheerleaders will be performing before we play there might be someone you like there."

"Yes, there will be someone I like there. She also happens to be my best friend and is CHEERLEADER or did you forget about that?" He sighs.

"Just don't look at her"

"How can I not look a her. She's head cheerleader. What is wrong with you today? Seriously you don't know much"

"That's mean." He says " Anyway, we need to go and get changed" He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the changing rooms so we could prepare for the game.

Summer's Pov:

Jake stood up from the table and walked away for no reason. I really don't understand him sometimes. Tom is still talking to me but, I'm really not listening. I need to find Jake

"Excuse me, I need to go now" I say standing up and walking away before Tom has the chance to try and make me sit down again. I walk down the hallways of our school looking for Jake. I eventually find him leaning against a locker with his head in his hands. The only reason I don't approach him is because Austin is there and they seem to be talking about something really important. Suddenly, Jake stands up and drags Jake away reminding me that I need to get ready for cheerleading. I walk to the changing rooms but my mind is still on Jake and why he seems to be so upset.


This is dedicated to JJ20001 because I know what is probably going through her mind while she is reading this and I want to tell her it is NOT true!!!!!!!!!!

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