Chapter 5

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Last night I didn't sleep at all. I knew I had to come up with a plan or at least an idea on how to tell Summer that I like her. Finally, I came up with a plan. I got out my car at school and walked over to Kitty one of the most slutty cheerleader girls at our school. I tapped her shoulder and se turned around instantly sending me a flurtatious smile.

"Well hello there handsome. What can I do for you?"she practically purred as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"I have a question for you" I say hesitantly. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" she giggled. Giggled! How stupid is that?

"Jakey babey I'd love to"

"Great. Um I have to go. Bye" I said and rushed away before she could reply. I am an idiot. Why the hell did I just do that? Sumer hates Kitty and so do I. I really am an idiot!


Summer's pov:

The bell rang for lunch and I rushed out the class with Lucy and Jen by my sides.

"Why are we rushing?" Jen asked already panting.

"We're not rushing. This is normal speed" I said.

"Normal speed? No it's not! Anyway our seats will be free. Everyone knows that's our table" Lucy backed Jen up but I just sped up. Eventually, we made it to the cafeteria. I looked around and immediately spotted Jake. My heart sank when I saw a blonde bimbo sitting on his lap and sucking his face off. It sank further when I recognized her as Kitty Maxwell. High school slut. I, calmly, walked over to the table considering it was where we normally sit. I slowly took my seat, Jen and Lucy by my sides. I cleared my throat and Jake and Kitty pulled away. Jake looked guilty.

"What are you doing here?" Kitty asked me.

"Excuse me? In case you didn't know, this is my table and I suggest you fuck off" with my words she stood up and walked away. I turned to look at Jake.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Well um yeah I'm kind of um going out with Kitty" he said.My mouth fell open.

"E- excuse me?" I said. Did I hear him right.

"I asked her this morning and she said yes. Listen, I know that you don't like her but she's actually not that bad. You should give her a chance." That was not whatI was expecting. Him and her?? How could he. I feel completely betrayed. He told me he hated her. He told me so many times.

"Give her a chance? Are you fucking with me? Give her a change. That slutty whore. No just no. She's a bitch. If you can't see that then fuck you" I exclaimed. I got up and walked out of the cafeteria without catching too much attention from anyone. Hardly anyone saw the argument between me and Jake which I guess is good. I went straight to my car and drove. I drove wherever hardly paying attention. I didn't care about missing the last two periods. I have good grades and that won't be affected. I started to pay attention and realised I was at the lake I was at just yesterday with Jake. When we were on good terms. Now we aren't I don't think. That's what hurts the most. Him and me not talking. I park my car and get out. I don't know what I'm doing here but I walk to the lake and take my shoes off. I dip my toes in the water to find that it is warm. I strip down until i'm in my underwear. I slowly enter the water and let my neck be submerged then my head.


Jake's pov:

My plan backfired. Kind of. I want to make Summer jealous but she didn't look jealous just annoyed. When she stood up and walked away, I felt my heart drop. I know I've made a mistake but I can't just end it with Kitty because that would mean Summer would suspect something. I can't let that happen. I take out my phone and try calling Summer but she doesn't pck up. She always picks up her phone. Where could she possibly be? I turn to Jen and Lucy.

"Do you know where Summer went?" i ask and they both shake their heads. Great. "Ok. Well she's not picking up and I'm worried." I stand up and turn around to start walking away but Jen stops me.

"Jake. Why are you going out with Kitty?" she asked.

"I um.Well it's a long story. Summer well I kind of"

"You like Summer don't you?" Lucy cut me off.

"Well I- I"

"That's a yes. Omg! Why didn't you tell us?" Lucy squealed.

"She can't find out. I'm dating Kitty to make her jealous but please don't tell her" I pleaded. They both smiled at me and nodded. I quickly turned around and walked away. I got in my car and wondered where Summer could possibly be. My first stop was her house but there was no one home so I went to the park but she wasn't there. I tried various other places without luck. I'm sitting in my car wishing I could go back to the day at lake and kiss Summer. The lake! I turn the car on and race down the road that leads to the lake. Sure enough her car is there. I feel a feeling of delight when I realise I found her. I walk to her car window and looks inside. She isn't there. I slowly look around. Nope. Don't see her. Then I see a pile of clothes on the floor and realise she's in lake. Is she crazy? The lake is dangerous because of it's depth. She could drown. I quickly kick my shoes off and rush to her clothes. I look out the the lake and see a dark shadow at the bottom.On instinct, I swim toward it. It's Summer. I grab her arm and drag her above the water. She tries to fight back but I hold her arms. She turns to me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she screams.

"I- I came here to find you" I stutter.

"I don't need you to find me. I'm fine. See" she says indicating to herself. "Now shouldn't you be with Kitty or something. I mean she's quite a clingly whore and she'll be wondering where you are soon I mean you-" I cut her off by gently pressing my lips against hers. She stopped talking and I thought she would kiss me back but she pushed me away.

"What the fuck Jake? You know,don't explain I don't really care" then she turned around and started to walk back to her car, away from me. I grabbed her wrist and turned her around and pulled her into my chest. She pulled away.

"Stay the fuck away from me Jake. You hear me? Stay away" and then she walked to her clothes, picked them up and got in her car. She then drove away. I sunk to my knees and cried. Cried. She told me to stay away from her. How? She just doesn't understand. I need her. I need her so much it's unbelievable. I need her because, I love her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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