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Hello. This is going to be a lot of work, meaning there will be no actual schedule for updates. But, I am so excited to try and write a wonderful Tarzan au because who doesn't love that kind of stuff??

So...everyone is aware of the Disney Tarzan, yes? And how many people compare Harry to Tarzan, correct? Well, this is almost going to be like the Disney tale, but not exactly. (Basically, I'm gonna have harry have a gorilla mother and her name will be Kala like in the movie, legit that's what I mean I think?)

My inspiration comes from both the disney movie and the famous Tarzan fic from ao3. If I could find a link I would add it because that's how much i love it honestly.

Yes, there's an idea of what's going to happen, i almost have a ending for it and I'm excited.

Chapters won't be so long, or they might be I'm not sure yet.

It's actually three am and I'm exhausted but I know for a fact that I will never get this out there if I don't write it now.

Edit: I fell asleep and woke up hours later and yes I still have full intentions on working on this.

Smut? Maybe, but I've tried it before, didn't really enjoy it and so I think I might skip it all together who knows.

Fluff? Most likely.

Adventure? I mean Louis is a traveler so if that counts, yes.

Love? Oh definitely.

When will this book happen? Sometime this month for sure, hopefully.

Okay well,there's a giant recap for you all. I hope you all stick around and enjoy my new story!

Likes and comments are greatly appreciated. :)

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