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Louis and the man had a stare-off for what seemed like hours. Neither of them knew what to do, until the bare man stretched his arms out with the camera still in his hands.

Louis watched the man, suddenly jumping back in fear when all he was doing was returning the camera to him. Out of instinct, Louis grabs his switch blade and flips it open, holding it out towards the stranger.

"Stay back, I'm warning you, I'm not afraid to use this," Louis threatened, but even he was doubtful on the count of how shaky his hand was.

Though the man, as large as he was, didn't notice the fear or the tone of voice Louis had. He saw something shiny, something that looked familiar to him, even if he couldn't exactly remember the name for it.

So, believing it would help him remember the name of the object, the man simply reached out and tapped his finger to the tip of the blade. He out an animalistic grunt when it dug itself into his skin, immediately pulling his finger back.

"Shit, why did you do that?" Louis asked in exasperation, still in the same position until he realized the man was now bleeding, "fuck, alright, I'll get you a bandaid and then you tell me you're name and why you're naked, deal?"

The man stared at Louis, his finger already in his mouth to clean it, seeing as that's how he always tended to his wounds. It was a miracle to have never been drastically injured while out here, just some minor cuts and bruises that always healed.

"Right, great chat," Louis mumbled and then grabbed his camera, quickly inspecting it for any damage while he walked back to the campsite, hearing the rustling of the bushes behind him while the strange man followed after him.

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