Chapter nine: Senior Prank

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~2 days later~

The next day we all got dressed and went to school. Zac wanted to go because it was his senior year and he wanted to say good bye to all of his friends. And pull his senior prank. Now I know what your thinking. It was probably terrible. But it was actually pretty cool.(cuz I helped and came up with it) Nothing I thought Zac could pull. He tended to suck at playing pranks.

Anyway we had talked all night and the day before about his senior prank. And I came up with the best prank ever. Then I realized that that could get him arrested after I really thought about it and explained it. So we had to come up with something else.

Then it hit me. It was perfect.

Okay, so Zacs English teacher HATES glitter or anything shiny. I so I told him to buy and whole bunch of glitter and put it everywhere in his room.

The last day of school was amazing. Zac pulled his senior prank and didn't get in trouble. I don't think they knew who did it. Any way, today way the last day of school and it is officially summer.

I love this time of year. Bathing suits, beach towels, sunblock, sunburns. Ahh I just love it. And now I have Zac to spend it with.


The first day of summer was awesome. Zac and I went to the beach. He got so sunburned. Poor thing. I never get sunburned, just tan.

When we got home that evening, I rubbed aloe Vera all over him. All I can say... DAMN. His muscles are toned to perfection. And those abs 😍. Wow.

I couldn't have found a more sexy guy. It's just not possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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