Chapter 22

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3rd pov:
Jason and Justin have been together for six months now, and today Justin is graduating. High school is finally over and done with. Justin can't wait to start UCLA now.

Jason says he loves it there, and the pay is amazing. Since Jason took over coaching the team they've never lost once. Justin has seen some games when he haven't had his own games at school and Jason is just incredible.

Justin's team won the high school championship and it was crazy, coach Carlin is good but not as good as Jason or as Justin calls him 'my Jase'. Ruby loves having her uncle teaching them, but he's not as competitive as Jase was, but Justin made sure they never lost.

But let's just say He don't think the team will come very far next year because all of them are graduating well except Chris and Austin. They will graduate next year but they aren't the best players, they goof of to much. It's always been Justin, Ryan and Ruby whom held the trainings when coach had to leave or he had meetings, so Justin is a little worried that the team will go down in the bottom next year.

Justin took one last look in the mirror when the door bell rang, making him smile big knowing who was on the other side of the door.

He ran out from his wing, almost knocking his dad and Dan over, but someone else had already beat him to the door because he heard.

"UNCLE DRAGON" jazzy and jaxon shouted happily.
Justin turned the corner and saw Jason standing in the doorway with two small kids wrapped around his legs and waist. Justin just smiled. God he was lucky.

Jason looked down at the two monkey's hanging off his legs, smiling big then slowly looked up at Justin. "Guys leave Jase alone." Justin laughed making Jason shake his head "its okay." He smiled making them argue over who Jason loved more.

This made both Jase and Justin laugh, Jason walked slowly one foot at a time, seems he still had two kids attached to him, over to Justin to finally greet him.
Jazzy and Jaxon still argued over whom Jase loved the most so, Justin thought it took to long for Jason to greet him so he walked over to him instead and wrapped his arms around his neck, getting complaints from the two kids about being squeezed in between. Justin just ignored them and leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.

"Guys you can argue all day over this, but we all know whom he loves the most of all three of us." Justin said cocky.

"Well he ain't wrong." Jason said as he let go of Jazzy and Jaxon and wrapped his arms around Justin tighter. Jazzy and Jax let go of their uncle with big pouts on their lips.

"I still love you guys, but I love Justin in another way. I'm in love with him, there is a difference, remember we talked about that?" Jason asked the two pouting kids and then they both sighed, nodded and left the two boys alone.
"Alone at last." Justin smiles pulling Jason into him as their lips moulded together. Jason smiled into the kiss before he deepened the kiss as Justin pushed him up again the closed front door making Jason laugh.

"Ahem." The sound of someone clearing their throat making them both slowly pull apart.
Justin just groaned and Jason just chuckled as he saw his big brother standing there watching them. "Jase, Justin remember we have to be at the school soon, we don't want to be late." Dan said as he grabbed Justin cap and gown.

"Sorry Dan it's just I haven't seen him in two days. But you are right, let's go." Justin said and kissed Jase one more time. Then Jeremy came with Jazzy and Jax and they headed out to the cars. Justin was going with Jason of course.

"See you guys at the school." Justin shouted as he jumped in to Jason's car. Jason followed Justin's lead and got in the car, he put the key in the ignition and roared the car to life. "I can't believe that you are graduating today babe." Jason smiled. Super proud of all that Justin has accomplished, he couldn't quite believe this day had finally come.
"Neither can I." Justin smiled but so happy high school was over. Jeremy, Dan and the kids were the first to arrive so they took their places and saved a seat for Jason, Kathy and Selina of course.
As Jason and Justin arrived they were meet by the whole basketball team Jason said hi and then went to find his big brother. As jazzy saw Jase she jumped in to his arms and soon enough Kathy and Selina joined them even Jason's dad, to see his sons boyfriend graduate.

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