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"Come on, man. Let's go back. I know you don't like your dad ordering you around. But come on this is not fair. I dont want you to take any stupid decisions while your drunk."

My best friend Zach tried to reason with me but I'm too angry to listen to him or anyone. I looked around me and found a girl laying on the hood of a car. She is looking beautiful in a red dress that reached till her knees and is sleeping on the car.A plan formed in my mind and I started walking towards her. I know what I'm going to do is wrong but I can't help it. I can't let my dad control me anymore. He might be a king but he can't order me around my whole life. I'm just 20, I want to enjoy my life before taking on any responsibilities. I know I'm a prince and have to start taking things seriously but I'm still young if I don't enjoy my life now when will I get the time or the chance to do whatever I want. Hope he doesn't get too angry about what I'm going to do.


 I opened my eyes, I'm lying on something soft, softer than the bed in my room, my eyelids felt heavier than they should and my head is paining a lot and my mouth felt drier than the Sahara. I slowly blinked my eyes open a few times and adjusted to the light in the room and turned around only to find the guy I met last night wait his name is Edward. What the hell is he doing sleeping peacefully beside me with his arms around me. I panicked and looked around frantically thinking he is in my room but to my shock it's not my room. It looked so much better than my room, I think it's the penthouse suite. I tried to move from the bed but he is holding me tightly. After sometime I slowly pried his hands off of me and stood up. Thank god, I'm still wearing my dress from lastnight that means nothing happened. I silently stood up and smoothed my dress and grabbed my purse and heels that were lying on the floor and ran from there as fast as I can. 

 I reached my hotel and got into my room without any of my friends noticing I'm gone. After getting ready we hit the road to home as we still a lot of packing to do for college. The entire ride home I did'nt talk with anyone and kept thinking how I ended in his room. After we reached home we said our goodbyes and I silently went to my room and fell down on my bed. My dad was not home and for that I'm thankful, he usually works a lot and is never home and hopefully I can go to college before he finally finds me here and decides to keep me from going to college. My mom died when I was 12. I really miss her a lot sometimes. 

I got up and unpacked my clothes and started packing everything I will need for college. It took me a lot of time but I wanted to get it done fast so that I can leave whenever I want. I finally finished packing after a few hours and fell on my bed listening to songs in my I pod which was the first thing I bought after I got my first salary from a part-time job. I dont know how long I stayed on my bed like that listening to songs and humming along to them. I scrambled off of my bed when someone yanked the I pod from me and ripped my headphones off. Thinking that it's Danny trying to annoy me like always I socked him in the face and yelled at him.

"What the hell, Danny!"

I looked down glaring at him and to my surprise it's not Danny. Edward was laying at the foot of my bed looking murderously angry and his eye started swelling rapidly from my hit. I didn't know whether to laugh at him or get scared of him. I closed my eyes tightly and kept chanting to myself and even pinched myself.

' You are dreaming,Cat. It's not real.'

"It's real, sweetheart. I'm very real. You are not dreaming."


I made a beeline to the door but he caught me around my midriff before I even made it to the door. I struggled in his grip and kicked out but he held on tight. I hit his shin and he cursed me but held tight.

"Now, now, trying to run away from me again, darling."

 He pushed me down onto my bed and was on top of me looking at me, no it's not called looking, he was full on glaring at me. What the hell did I do? I avoided his eyes and looked past him. He slammed his lips onto me and started kissing me roughly. I froze for a second as I couldn't believe what's happening. My first kiss and he stole my first kiss from me. I tried pushing him but he was really strong. Then I remembered the self-defense classes I took and kneed him in the groin. He immediately fell off of me and to my bedroom floor and started cursing.

"Ed, come on man. You can get on with your wife after we go home. Our flight's waiting."

A guy in his twenties is at my door the next second and looked around him on not finding Edward. He saw him on the floor obviously in pain and started laughing. He even took out his phone to take pictures.

"You got your ass handed to you by a girl? Man that's hilarious."

Edward glared at his friend and at me. He got up and came near me again.

"Pack whatever you need, sweetheart. Not that you need anything. I will leave you to it. I'm gonna wait downstairs. Don't plan on running away because I will find you wherever you go."

"I'm not coming anywhere with you, you asshole."

" Yes, you are. You are my wife and we are going to my country now."

"Your country? Who the hell are you?"

"I already told you, your husband."

"I'm not coming and you are not my husband."

He didn't even answer me and started talking before I even finished my sentence.

" Now, will you pack the things you need or do you want me to take you from here like this?"

He growled at me. I flinched back and cursed under my breath. There's no way of escaping from here. Then I remembered he didn't answer me.

" Hey, I'm not your wife."

"Yes, you are, sweetheart. Look."

He grabbed my hand and showed me what looked like a big diamond ring and a wedding band on my fingers. I gasped. How the fuck did they get there I did'nt see them before. I was too engrossed in thinking how I got to his room and after that with packing everything I did'nt notice the rings on my hand. I cursed myself for being so preoccupied. I yanked my hand away from his grip. 

"That does'nt mean anything. You are lying."

He was smirking. Ok, what now. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. I looked at him for a while and didn't take it. He raised his eyebrows and smirked at me. I ripped it from his hand and looked at it. At first I was confused and then when I really saw it and read what was on it my eyes bugged out of my sockets. I was shocked. My mouth went dry and I just stood there not taking in anything. 

" Now, start packing. We don't have much time before we have to reach home and I'm not going to be waiting for you long."

And he took my mobile with him saying that he does'nt trust me not to call someone. I already packed everything for college so I don't have to pack anything. But he doesn't know that, I sighed and sat on my bed thinking of a way out of this situation. After a while I slowly took all my packed belongings from my closet and waited for an hour to go down to piss him off and hoping that we would miss that flight. I went downstairs and sure enough he was waiting for me in the living room. He looked impatient and pissed that I took so long. I walked past him into the room and looked around once. I won't miss this place but it's bittersweet knowing that I'm never coming back here. I already planned on not coming back after going to college but I have some of the best memories with my mom in this house. I spotted a picture of my mom and me in the park when i was young and grabbed it. That's it. I just took one last look at my house and got into his car. 

We reached the airport in half an hour. To my disappointment we didn't miss the flight as he had his own freaking jet. Who the fuck is he that he owns a freaking jet. It even has a bedroom in the back. The leather seats were so soft that you can just sink into them. I tried to look unimpressed with everything. But I can't help but wonder how freaking rich he is and who he is. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him and laid back on my seat and dozed off after the takeoff. 

MARRYING AN ARROGANT PRINCE , MY DREAM . HELL NO !Where stories live. Discover now