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I ran out of the room and ended in the library again. I don't know but my legs brought me here. I sat with my back to a wall and started crying. I finally reached my breaking point. I cried for everything happening in my life, I cried for my mom and I cried because my dad never loved me or took care of me after mom's death and for all the other things happening in my life right now. I felt someone sit beside me and lifted my head to see Henry sitting beside me with a worried look on his face. I wiped my tears and smiled up at him. I'm not weak I repeated this to myself.  

"What happened, kid?"

He asked concerned for my well-being.

"Nothing happened."

I lied and tried my best to look like nothing happened. He hugged me and I broke down crying once again. I cried into his shoulder and he just held me like that. After a while I calmed down and he released me and wiped my tears. After my breakdown I'm feeling a lot better actually.

"What happened? Did some one hurt you or say any thing to you?"

I just shook my head.

"Then what happened?"

I don't know why but I trusted him. I told him everything that happened from the day I went to Vegas with my friends to having an argument with Edward awhile back. He didn't say anything just listened to me patiently. After I finished he looked at me and smiled. 

"I know that what Edward did was wrong. But you have to give him a chance. I mean you can't get a divorce. Edward's dad I mean the king would never allow that to happen as it's unheard of to divorce in the king's family. And moreover the king likes you so much. He thinks of you as his daughter. Edward is good guy once you get to know him better. He just doesn't like to listen to his father sometimes and acts out."

"The king didn't even see me till now. How can he like me?"

"He heard from the queen and his daughter about you. And the queen already loves you. And what's not there to like about you. You are such a sweet child."

I blushed and nodded at what he said. I mean my dad never gave me any suggestions regarding anything. Either Emily or Danny would tell me things and give me suggestions. I hugged him again and got up. 

 "Thank you, Henry for your advice and guidance."

He smiled at me and I left him there in the library and started walking towards Edward's room. I entered the room and looked for Edward. He was standing out in the balcony staring out into the garden. I tiptoed my way into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I don't want to face him just yet if he is angry with me for hitting him again. Just then the door opened and Edward was standing there. 

"I'm sorry for what i did. . . "

He trailed off and stopped in his tracks as he got a good look at me.

"Are you crying?"

"Um..... no."

I know I shouldn't have lied. Any one can say that I was crying from my puffy and tear stained face. He walked towards me.

"I'm sorry."

He said sincerely all the while looking into my eyes. Wow, is he the same guy who behaved arrogantly with me all these days. He surprised me by hugging me. 

"I'm really sorry."

I didn't say anything and just stared at him. 

"So, do you forgive me?"

I thought about what Henry told me and the change in Edward. I can give him a chance right if I'm stuck in this marriage. I should atleast try to make it work if there is no divorce in this family. Well I guess I know my answer. I'm ready to give this marriage and Edward a chance. I finally gave him a reply.

MARRYING AN ARROGANT PRINCE , MY DREAM . HELL NO !Where stories live. Discover now