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I opened the door to my father's study and stepped inside. He was seated behind the huge mahogany desk looking over some papers. His office never fails to intimidate me and I think our ancestors had intimidation in mind when designing this office. My father didn't notice me yet so I silently entered inside and made my way to the couch near the windows and sat down.

"Good evening, father."

I finally greeted him and he looked up from his papers and he had a stern look on his face. I know what was going to come is not going to be good . 

"I'm really disappointed in you, Edward. I know you are acting childish and you are doing this as a strange act of rebellion against me. I love you. You are my son no matter what. But you are also a prince and you have a responsibility to the kingdom and your people. What you did was not acceptable. You can't just marry some girl like that. What if the press gets a wind of this. Our family name will be seen in every news outlet and gossip rag. They will accuse the royal family for not being honest with their people and will say that the prince is not fit to rule the country. And I know you very well to guess that you are not gonna stay married to her for long. But once someone marries in our royal family they can't be divorced like normal people. It's unheard in our family. So the divorce is not going to happen. So I suggest that you work it out with her. It seems your sister spoke with her and really likes her. Your mother heard from your sister about her and wants to meet her. So, I'm warning you right now to not create a mess again as this time you will be cleaning up your mess. "

I look at him shocked. How the hell did he know that I'm gonna divorce her after a year? I only thought of divorcing her a while back. Am I that obvious? God, I had to get out of here before I say something I regret or make my mother cry. I controlled my anger at him trying to dictate every aspect of my life and turned my head to look at him.

"I'm not gonna divorce her, father. I'm going to make it work with her."

I lied with a straight face. It's easy for me to lie to him as I got used to it lying to him to get out of trouble when I was young. Sometimes he catches me in my lies and punishes me by cutting my privileges. I quickly got up and excused myself. When I was about to leave he called me back.

"One more thing. The people don't know about the marriage. So, its better to have a real marriage this time with everyone present and with a real priest. I will make the neccessary arragements. Inform your wife and I will inform your mother and sister."

I'm dead. Seriously dead. Now I can't get rid of her like I thought and can't divorce her either. Great going father you know I can't divorce her if I married her before the whole kingdom. I groaned internally but smiled at him and left the room. 


"No , Dad. Please don't leave me here. I'm sorry. I'm scared. Please open the door."

I sat up on my bed and looked around me. I'm not in a dark room anymore. It's just a nightmare. I looked around me and the room is dimly lit by the moonlight. I'm in a bed with Edward. What the hell! Why is he sleeping here with me? Tears were leaking down my eyes. I quickly wiped them away frustated. No matter how many times I try not to cry thinking about those days I can't help myself. We were a happy family once. There are only three of us just my Mum, Dad and me. But it all changed the day Mum died in an accident. Dad blamed me for that as Mum was taking me out to buy dresses for my birthday and a drunk driver crashed into our car. We hit the guard rail and Mum died instantly. It took a while for anyone to find us as it was night time. I started getting scared of dark from that day. It took me years to be comfortable in a car.

MARRYING AN ARROGANT PRINCE , MY DREAM . HELL NO !Where stories live. Discover now