Disney Theory: Dumbo was switched

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Ah Dumbo. The story about the misfit elephant with big......wait, don't some species of elephant have big ears?! That's right my friends, that's right. African elephants have big ears. Dumbo could be an African elephant who was switched.

Spoiler alert. You. Have. Been. Warned.

So the first thing we see in the movie is the storks delivering the baby animals. From what I can see, there are no other elephants receiving a child, but that does not  disprove my theory. You see, Mrs. Jumbo is in the circus. There are many other places that have elephants. Zoos, Africa, even other circuses. Also as you can tell, the stork delivering Dumbo isn't the sharpest tool in the shead (BeCoMeS mEmEr ThEn BeFoRe), if you know what I mean. I wouldn't be surprised if he grabbed the wrong elephant. I mean, he was late.
Just a theory. Let me know your thoughts.
Until next time
-Akari Tanaka.

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