4- You're okay

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Last night was the worse night of my life to say the least. I couldn't really grasp the fact that Derek had actually punched me, a blind kid. I know I wasn't popular and was a bit of an inconvenience but I couldn't help that. I lifted my hands up to my tired eyes running my fingers over the scattered scars. Knitting my eyebrows together in disgust, I even kept my glasses on around the house using the excuse my head hurts so that my family didn't have to see them. My brother can barely remember them at this point where as my parents cries in the hospital room are still heard.

I get up and get dressed in some of my old clothes not wanting to ruin the new ones yet by my clumsiness around school. After finishing up I put my sunglasses on and head downstairs. I could hear my mom making breakfast with the smell of bacon.

"Bacon!" I practically moaned.

"Your brothers favorite today." My mom said cheerfully. I smiled a bit feeling a bruise under my eye making me wince. "Oh my goodness! What happened to your eye?!"

I could hear her rush over to me but quickly held my glasses in place knowing she was going for them. "It's nothing! Just tripped."


"Really, mom, I'm fine." I say quietly as I hear footsteps coming from behind us.

"Yes bacon!" My dad and brother both exclaimed making mom and I giggle a bit.

"Eat up, quickly. Don't want you guys to be late!" My mom said clasping her hands together happily. Taking that as an escape from our earlier discussion I start talking to my dad. He was less observant thus the morning went on normally just minus the feeling of my mom glaring at me suspiciously.

When I arrived to school Andrew clicked his tongue shamefully and left me to once again find my way alone. I didn't like being alone in places I didn't know, I mean most people feel the same way but then again most people aren't blind on top of that. I found my way thankfully but paused in front of my first period scared to go in. Scared of the people and the words.

With a shaky breath I turn the knob and step inside the now silent room.

"Is that him?" Some girl whispered.

"Gutsy kid." A guy whispered after her.

"So he like pretended to be a freak? I don't get it." Another female whispered before someone threw a piece of paper at my head saying, "Loser."

"You're pathetic." Someone close to me muttered.

"Fucking attention seekers these days." Some guy clicked their tongue as Derek suddenly spoke, "I know right. Piece of shit."

That hurt more then his punch did and of course, Hayes kept quiet. He'd ruin his reputation further if he defended me so I wiped the sudden tears that began falling and turned around quickly luckily not running into anything on the way out. My head hurt. My eyes hurt. My heart even hurt. I had to find a restroom or something but I couldn't. I couldn't find anything in this damn school. I couldn't do anything for myself. I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't be normal, I couldn't fucking see and I hated myself for it. If I had been faster or if I hadn't been such a klutz I would've been normal. I would get along with my brother. I wouldn't be bullied. My parents would be happy and proud.

I choked on a sob as I stopped by some lockers and leaned against them falling to the floor. I took my glasses off rubbing my temples in pain then wiped my eyes more as more tears came. It was like Niagara Falls on my face and I couldn't stop it. Why was I being hurt more and more? What did I do to deserve this?!

As I began to calm down the bell rung but you know what I did? I stayed on the ground. I find being physically hurt was easier so if they want to hurt me go for it. Nothing new after all. I shoved my glasses back on and threw my head back on the lockers.

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