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>>Pic is Jeffery (Tim Borrmann)

I sat at the kitchen table waiting patiently for my mom to finish cooking what smelled like pancakes. I reached across the table slowly feeling for a napkin which suddenly was placed into my hand by who I'm guessing was my brother since he's the only one who wears heavy cologne. And trust me when I say heavy, I mean nose burning HEAVY.

I'm sure at this point you're wondering why I have to feel around for things and smell around like some search dog. Well, the answer is quite simple. I'm blind. No sympathy needed. I'm used to it since I've been this way for 6 years now, I was in 6th grade when some of my bullies decided it would be fun throw glass at my face. So fun, right?!

Yeah, not really.

I'm now a Junior in high school and had just moved from Ohio to LA a week ago due my dad's job department moving here. My brother, Andrew is a Senior and what you can call a popular kind of guy. The complete opposite of me. I'm bullied a lot and of course my brother being a popular does the same. He's only nice when we're alone, messed up right? Oh well, I got used to his multiple personalities.

"Andrew give these to your brother." My mom said as my brother muttered under his breath and grabbed what I'm guessing was my plate since I felt the steam in my face.

"Here." He stated none to kindly.

"Thank you." I said as I felt for the fork and began stabbing my plate in random places to pick up the pieces that my mom had cut for me. She doesn't like me cutting things on my own since the few times I tried I had stabbed my fingers and it bloody HURT. I chewed on the pancakes and tasted the chocolate chips melt in my mouth. "These taste delicious mom!"

"I'm glad. I wanted your first meal before school to be great!" She said cheerfully as I heard my dad's footsteps.

"Morning dad!" I said. You might not notice but people have distinct footsteps. My mom's always were loudest of the two since she wore heels practically everyday. My brothers were fast paced and sometimes squeaked while my dad's made a light tap.

"I will never understand how you do that." He said with a smile probably.

"Footsteps, dad." I smiled trying to find a shadow of some sort to find where he was.

Some blind people can see shadows but that's about it. They're not very distinctive shadows since those are also blurred, but again, I'm used to it so I learned how to make that a little useful.

"Whatever you say, bud. You boys about finished eating? I'm taking you to school today." He said.

"Yeah we're finished. Right, lil bro?" Andrew said and I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Sure. You know me so well don't you, lil genius." I said letting the sarcasm flow out.

"Not now boys. Get your bags and go to school." My mom said sternly causing my brother to grunt in response as I just shrugged and picked up my book bag laying next to me.

I walked carefully through the house finding my way to the front door. Lucky my dad had started the engine so I could hear what way to go and didn't have to worry about tripping since it was all grass up until the driveway. I got in the back seat and waited for my dad to drive off.

Soon we arrived to Hell. I mean school, my bad. I got out carefully and closed the door behind me, hearing Andrew do the same. I was going to ask him to help me to the front doors at least but I remembered he had told me to never talk to him at school or around his friends. Typical. So I slowly found my way to the doors only to hit someone.

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