Chapter 1

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The air rose hotter in the Dra plain hills as I awoke from my slumber in a dug out hole I had dug the night before. A crow's annoying caw woke me and I let out a frustrated hiss, baring my vampire fangs in hope it would fly away and never return. My eyes began to flutter shut when the vile smell of smoke caught my attention, my senses flaring with surprise and shock, they were after me.

Instantly I scrambled out of the homemade den, grabbing my full quiver and black wooden bow before rushing away with full vampire speed. I could hear someone yelling orders, telling me to halt, but I kept running. Memories of the past morning flooded my mind as I felt the rage I had felt yesterday. The image of smoke and flames filled my mind as I remembered lighting a match, and tossing it into the underbrush that lined my old homes walls. I was running ever since that morning.

I continued to run, keeping my eyes on the path ahead as the calls and yells grew. I knew if I ran in a straight path they would catch me, and if they caught me I would surely die. That's all they wanted ever since I made friends beyond the camp. My mind flooded with thought as I thought through a new route to avoid the angry group chasing me. Through the corner of my eye I see a thick forest, quickly I make a sharp turn to my right, entering the thick forest with great speed. I whizzed around trees and bushes before finding a huge oak in front of me. Seeing no other way to escape I jumped up onto one of the branches of the great oak, holding tightly to the bark as I lifted myself.

I stayed silent as I heard the rustling of leaves all around me, glancing around for any trace of my pursuers. A whiz of wind went by as two figures rushed past the tree, too fast to pick up my scent. With a relieved sigh I jumped down, rushing in a different direction than the vampires who were chasing me a moment before.

I trekked through the forest, coming to a field that was rich with prey. I had never explored this part of Dra, and I figured it was worth the stay. There were many hares bouncing and darting through the new spring time grasses, and many, many crows worth hunting. As I started to hunt the scent of a nearby village caught my attention, deciding quickly and easily to leave it be, since my blood addiction would kick in as soon as a fight broke out.

I wandered forward, readying my bow for a quick shot as I glanced around from the corner of my eye. A crow let out a caw of alarm and a whole flock flew upwards from the grass. My hunting senses flared as I quickly aimed my bow and shot, watching as a black mass fell from the air and hit the ground with a slight thump. I approached it and swiftly took the blood tipped arrow from its corpse, putting it back in my quiver, since I didn't see the sense in wasting an arrow on a stupid crow. I picked up the freshly hunted bird, making my way across the field, where a river and beach appeared.

I approached the sandy beach, resting near a black rock in the springtime sun. A left out feeling waved over me as I remembered that I was one of the type of vampires who couldn't tan. I rested in the sun for a while until I heard the growl of my stomach, realizing I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. Looking over I saw the crow I had just caught, quickly grabbing the bird I yanked off a handful of black feathers. Soon I had gotten all of the feathers off and dipped the meat into the fresh water to clean it. Bubbles formed above the surface, making me tense as a blonde haired girl burst from the water, making me jump back in surprise.

"What are you doing?!" The blonde gasped in horror, yanking the crow from my hands.

"I'm making myself some dinner, what are you doing you crazy fish?" I ask in a challenging tone, realizing she was a mermaid.

"I'm saving the planet we live on!" The mermaid squealed as I yanked my crow away from her.

"Then go to a small lake and find some stupid fish that need it." I hissed, baring my white fangs at the blonde, curly haired mermaid.

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