Chapter Two: Brove

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAA! Do I have to go!?", cried the pearly while dragon, Brove.

"Oh my gosh we've been over this, yes!", her best friend, Ynni, replied.

"WHY!" Brove whined.

"Because, this is a very important day for everyone and it's kind of offensive not to go."

"But I'm going to be the only dragon who didn't find their element. Can't I just wait until next Acceptance?"

"NO!" Ynni shouted, a little to loud.

"This is the only year the queen will be here, in OUR village, and I care too much to leave you at home and skip this great day" Ynni said with as much meaning as she could muster while still being agitated by Brove's whining. Brove made one final face at Ynni before preparing herself for embarrassment as she stepped into the community cave.

All the dragons in the village where inside as Brove and Ynni pushed their way to the Dragonlings seating ledge. A couple more dragons squeezed in. All of a sudden the cave went quiet as everyone turned their heads to the entrance. Standing their in the middle of two guards was the queen in all her glory. Everyone shuffled to make a path to the stage ledge. As the queen stepped up on the stage, Brove realized that it would have really sucked to not have come. The queen cleared her throat.

"Dragons of Kamala, we are gathered here to award these dragonlings citizenship to Felmid and to celebrate their element." the queen announced as she waved a talon at Brove and the dragonlings.

"I would first like to thank the teachers of Kamala for raising these amazing dragonlings"

Brove thought she saw a glint in the queens eye, like an emotion supposed to be hidden, but fought its way to the surface and stayed their for a second before being pushed back down, But it was probably nothing. As the queen started announcing names and awarding dragonlings, Brove found herself getting lonelier and lonelier. All her friends where becoming full grown dragons while she was still going to be considered and weak dragonling. Soon the only dragons sitting on the dragonling ledge was Brove and another dragon. He was a long red dragon with wide talons and a golden underbelly. When she noticed he didn't have wings she realized it was him. Confetti the Chinese dragon. 

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