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Hey, it's your lovely Auther here !!! Hey, hi, how are you? 😊😊 if you're gonna ask me how I am doing, then the answer will be this:

I am doing fine ! I am actually reallt well. I am working on 5 books; well 4... -- I say 4 because of the fact that I don't really know what to say for the David one. -- soon it will be 3. Why do you ask? Cause my Heath Hussar one will be coming to an end here soon ! I have been working on it for I wanna say a month or two?  Maybe more? I'm not sure.

Anyways,the reason why I have gathered all of you here to read this Auther's Note is because I have something to say.

If there is any misspelled words or lines that don't make any sense, don't worry. When I do post,I will go through what I post the next day: After I posted just to make sure I got all the spelling mistakes.

You're probably wondering: "Gee, why don't you fix them before you post??" And that answer is simple as the day is long. -- i originally start to write a chapter in the morning,and by the time I am done it's later at I night... sometimes I don't get done until 1am Eastern Canadian time. Which means I am very, very sleepy by the time I go to post, and I don't have the energy to keep my eyes open to correct the wrong words.  Thought I vet you're like "Well,  why don't you post during the day?" orrrr "Why does it take you so long during the day? Writing isn't that hard when you have ideas going through your head." Well that's just it. I have mentioned time after time again,I have writers block. And the answer that other question that I have broughten to your guys' attention. I have an almost 2 year old son at home, and when we arent at home, he's being babysat and I have a job.  Along with that, I am still trying to find a new place to call home. Love the place that I am living, it's helped my son and I alot, but sadly I don't wanna live here anymore. I need a bigger place. Something that won't break my bank to hard at the end of the month.

Just because I wanted to make this a brand new paragraph: I'm finishing the rest of the question that could be going through your mind. - when I home, I like to spend time with my son. However during the start of the day and the evening, I do write the chapter. Fuck, sometimes it can take me 3-5 days to get the chapter done, all because of my life.

But I am glad you guys have stuck around !!

    -- Sincerely,  your loving Auther, HisKoala

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