chapter 22..? best friends.. or...?

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David's P.O.V:

After Mary went back to her hotel room to go take a nap. Jason and I left the back of the building and walked back into the Centre.

"Do you really think them two should have broken up?" Jason said to me, while we walked back towards to where all the other youtubers where. (( booth place? Wherever Gabbie was with her book )) I stopped walking and just stood there looking at all of the people. "Honestly, no, but they're adults and they can make up their own mind. However, we can always try to get them back together" I said as I stared off at nothing.

Jason stopped infront of me and just pondered for a moment, finally speaking to me. "Yeah, you're right; I guess... But, I've never seen Heath happier than I did when he was with Mary and was around Zachary. I think we should do something, and maybe get them back together?" Jason said as he looked at his phone.

I nodded. "Yeah. All we can do is try, I guess." Just as I finished,my phone rang,so I checked it. It was Heath.

I answered:

Heath🎣: Hey, Davy.

David🎥: Ya know, you're the only person who calls me Davy. Not even Liza calls me it. You better feel lucky. So, what's up?

Heath🎣: I miss her, dude.. I agreed with her to break up, but even though it's been a few hours, I don't know if I can deal with it. Though, she never did give me the ring back... I wonder why...

David🎥: I'm not sure why she didn't, dude. She seemed a little stunned today, with what had happened.....

Heath🎣: what do you mean...?

David🎥: Her and Brennen did a skit today, and it involved Brennen getting a punch in the face.

Heath🎣: whatcha mean? Why did he get a punch to the face?

David🎥: That isn't important right now. Let's just focus on trying to get you guys back together.

Heath🎣: But what if she doesn't want to.....?

David🎥: Heath, don't worry. She will. Anyways, I gotta go. There's a bunch of fans coming to see Jason and I. Plus,I'm hungry

Heath 🎣: alright. Call me later, bye.

David🎥: bye.

I hung up, as I walked into the room filled all the other Youtubers.

Brennen's P.O.V:

After Colby punched me in the face, and caused me to bleed, I walked off with my mom, brother and sister.

'When did Colby like Mary? He has never once brought it up to Sam, Nik, Bradlee, nor I.' I thought to myself as my brother and I walked into the bathroom: to do what? To take selfies, of course.

After we were done with taking pictures, we walked out into the main lobby to meet back up with my mom and sister who were on their phones.

As we approached them, I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I put on a smile; cause ya know just incase it's a fan.

When I turn around I see Colby standing there.

"Hmmm?" I said looking

He just stared at me sort of emotionless, as if all the things he's cared for have, got taken away from him.

"Say something, Colby." I finally say. Getting kind of annoyed.

He sighs. "Why did you and Mary kiss?" He finally says.

I stare at him confused. "Why do you like her?" I say,ignoring his question.

"Dude, why did you kiss a girl that I like?! Youre supposed to ve my best friend!" He yelled at me, causing me to clench my fists in anger.

"I kissed her because David asked me to, okay! Honestly, she is a great kisser! You had no reason to hit me, but guess what?! You did, and thay is something I won't forgive you for! You're supposed to be my best friend! Best friends tell their best friends everything, and I mean everything! All of their feelings, their worries, their hopes, their dreams, even the girl that they're crushing on! If you ever thought that we were best friends, you would have told me about the feelings that you had for Mary, instead of hiding it! Which would have meant,I wouldn't have kissed her!" I yelled back at him.

Instead of walking away, due to the fact that my anger had gotten more intense, because of those words he says. I ended up hauling back and punching him in the exact same spot that he had hit me less then 3 hours ago.

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