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A/N sorry for not updating, guys'... I have gotten bad writers block. All my stories may be on hold until I can think of what to write, or maybe all the next chapters for the books will just be based around VidCon? .. I'm gonna try ... but as of right now, they're on hold. ---- kinda realized as I uploaded this, that Heath and Mary broke up... however as I mentioned, no one needs to know!

It was a few days after Colby and Heath got into that whole fight. It was A few days before VidCon; Heath paid for my pass, and David was gonna pay for my Creator Pass; and yet he wouldn't pay for Scottys,I just laughed when I found out


I was laying down on Heaths bed, when he ran into the room. "BABY!!!" He yelled,jumping onto the bed.

"What babe? " I said, as I rolled over so that I wouldn't get attacked by heath. I rolled onto my side, smiling at him.

"There's gonna be parties at VidCon and I want you come... as much as you will hate it,I wanna go." He said smiling

I got up from the bed, taking off my pj's. "I never said that I didn't want to go." I turned over and smiled at Heath.

"Matt is picking Zane and us up at 12pm. Get ready. It's now 11:00." Heath said as he got up and walked out of the door.

I smiled softly, getting up and taking some clean clothes out of my dresser. I walked over to the bathroom and got ready.

--After shower--

I stepped out of the bathroom, checking my phone to see the time. "11:34am" I quickly walk into the living room where Heath was sitting.

"Hey babe" I said as I sat down. "It has come to my attention .... who is gonna watch Zachary?" I say as I out my arm around his shoulder.

Heath looks up from his phone at me and smiles. "Well Michaela is going to, and then Deyvn; who lives with Elton, was going to watch Zachary so we all can go to a party.... but then again, she wanted to go. So maybe, umm, Carly or Erin? We will figure it out" he says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

Just as Heath finished kissing my cheek, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!"I yell and in walks Matt. "Ready to go guys?" He says, spinning his keys around.

Heath and I both get up and nod, walking towards the door. "Be back later ! Take good care of Zachary !" I yelled at Michaela as I shut the door.

-at vidcon -

Once we pulled up to the Centre that Vidcon was being held at, Heath was the first to get out of the car. Once he was out, he quickly walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. Once the door was opened, he extended his hand, allowing me to grab it.

I took his hand, and got out. I smiled at all the people that came to vidcon. All that could be heard were screams and cheers to see YouTubers. My smile grew wider.

Heath, Zane, Matt, Meghan, (( I think that's how her name is spelled )) Kam, and I, all walked into the vidcon doors. I stared in awe, looking around at all of the teenagers and all the youtubers gathered in one giant building to meet their fans.

"I'm gonna take Mary and to see all the booths and other youthbers/Viners." Heath said, still holding my hand, as we walked off into a different direction from our friends.

Heath and I made it not even 5ft into the main hall, when we were surrounded by all of Heaths fans. As they came up to us, I ended up getting pushed out of the way by his fans. Though I didn't mind, because his fans want to meet him once in their lives; while I'm dating him and I see him everyday.

As I got pushed away, I turned around and walked around to go and see all the different people who I don't know. As I look around, I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I said looking up at the person. The person who I bumped into was none other than the Colby Brock. He smirked at me. "It's fine, beautiful" I scoffed at him.

"Where's your fiance? He didn't show up?" He chuckled, as I walked away. As I go to walk off, Colby grabs my hand. "Don't go" he says

By the time that it took to grab my hand, all of his fans were surrounding us, saying 'ooòoooo' and 'awwww'.

I pulled his hand away from myself. "Don't touch me" I say as I walk away. Suddenly my phone was blowing up with tweets . As I walked away,I checked my phone.

There was a bunch of pictures of me and Colby. Of colby holding my hand. The captions read. "Is she cheating on heath?" And "She got into a fight with Colby, and he grabbed her hand from walking and way. .. goals??"

A/N, I am going to leave this here.... my hand is asleep and it's late where I am.

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