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Chuck made himself comfortable. He had said he did stuff with before, now it would just be the truth. And to him he could put it in the playbook as a threesome and not be lying. He relaxed in the hot tub as Noah poured him a drink, and slipped something inside.

She then walked over to the hot tub and leaned over the side, pushing her breasts up with the hot tub.

"Here you go, Chuck." She smiled, acting like the sex crazed maniac he created.

"Thank you, baby, haha." He said, already drunk. Although the first drink that has something in it, it wasn't his first drink.

Noah turned up the music a little bit, and stripped of her kimono and boots. She stepped up, revealing most of her body as she stepped into the pool. The look on his face when he looked at her, he couldn't believe it.

"Are we going too slow, Chuck?" Noah asked.

"Yeah.." he slurred, losing consciousness, "I'm too fast too furious bab.."

"Good boy." She crossed her arms.

"Did you just?" Veronica stared at Chuck's now asleep body.

"Muscle relaxer. Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions." Noah stared at him with honest disgust, as if her own consciousness had left her, "Walla, truth serum."

Veronica was nervous. Now they had drugged him and that was trouble. She wasn't sure if this was what she wanted.

"Dry off, and grab your phone." Noah got out of the tub, putting her kimono back on. Veronica did so, too, but when Noah pulled handcuffs out, she hesitated.

"Hey, are you sure about this?" Veronica asked.

"You want justice, right?" Noah rose an eyebrow, "Then we're going to get a confession."


It wasn't long before Chuck was waking up to a warm hot tub.

"What?" Chuck woke up, shaking his hands to find they were handcuffed, "What the hell?"

"Start recording." Noah whispered, clenching her jaw from behind chuck.

"Hey, guys." Chuck had his eyes half closed, "It's really hot in here."

"And getting hotter by the minute." Noah turned it up another 5 degrees, "Time to squeal. Tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica."

"Huh? We had a good time. She had a good time." Chuck said, earning a shove in the water by Noah's high heeled foot.

"The truth, Chuck!" Noah wanted to hear him say the truth so badly. "Or so help me, I will boil you alive." She turned it up again.

"What?" Chuck panicked, feeling it get hotter. "We made out."

"And then?" Noah asked.

"And then I took her home!" Chuck felt it get hotter again, "And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple."

"That is all you had to say, you ass." Veronica stopped recording, "And now, everyone will know."

"You like shaming people, Chuck?" Noah wasn't done.

"Whoa, hey..." Chuck said, feeling her boot on the back of his head.

"You like dehumanizing them? Ruining their lives? Crazy chick who will sleep with anyone because her brother killed himself?" Noah pushed him down.

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