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Detention was bad but lying to Noah's dad was worse.

"Hey Dad." Noah spoke on the phone, too afraid to talk to him in person.

"Noah, I swear, if you are not home in 5 minutes you are going to be in big BIG trouble." Her dad's voice boomed.

"Dad please, I know what I did was wrong. I know I got mixed in some bad stuff but I'm done with that." Noah pleaded, her Dad didn't want to hear it.

"Young lady, you know what this family has gone through. I know what you're going through isn't easy either, but to pull stunts like this? You're lucky you aren't expelled. Weatherbee also enlightened me that you dropped cheer? You donmt plan on going back to soccer? It's like I don't even know you—" He said, only just beginning his lecture.

"Dad that's what I'm trying to say! I know I've lied a lot in the last few weeks. I didn't want to tell you I was suffering and I'm sorry but I'm trying to be better and that's why I'm calling because I'm in the talent show tonight, Dad, dancing. And I'd really love to stay in it if I'm not being punished." Noah said, knowing how awful she felt about lying the whole time. That she wasn't telling her dad the full truth of everything.

"Baby, you're dancing?" Mr. Carson asked, his voice going soft, "Kid, you're a real pain in my neck, you know that?"

"Yeah." She sighed.

"I'm gunna try to make it ok? I'll go through as much of this paper work as I can."

"Thank you, Dad. That means a lot." Noah smiled, made her wish she really was performing.

Oh, shit.

If he ends up coming, what'll he do if she's not in the show?

"Kevin, I need the biggest favor you've ever given to anyone ever."

"Nope. No way." Kevin responded after hearing what she asked, "I already did this for Archie and Veronica and I only did it because I've already heard Archie perform. I have never seen you dance Noah this goes against all of my artistic integrity."

"Yes you have! All those football games." Noah pointed out.

"That is cheering, not dancing." Kevin said and she could hear his arms crossing.

"Ok fine I will audition for you tonight. On stage at the variety show."

"Noah!" Kevin caught her plan.

"Please, Kev? It's really important and for all I know my dad probably won't even come, he said he's overloaded with paperwork and if that's the case I won't even need to go on stage at all!" Noah said, finishing her walk to Fox woods.

"Im only doing this because you are my friend and when you drugged Chuck Clayton that was the most bad ass thing this school had ever seen and I want to give the people what they want." Kevin poised.

"Fair, I can live with that." Noah said, unhappy that she was even having to do this.

"If you aren't here by 8PM, you lose your spot." Then Kevin hung up on Noah as she approached Jughead. Feeling much safer already.

"Hey, who was that?" Jughead asked, bouncing to her in his grey beanie and flannel.

"Kevin. Great plan having my Dad think I was in the variety show by the way, because now he might come." Noah bashed her shoulder into his side.

"Whoa, how would I know? Its not like my dad would ever make it to a school function." Jughead shrugged, "We'll be back in time. I promise. We just have to check something out."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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