Stunt number 4

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Edward's pov

After that stupid blind date of mine I went to my work. Yeah I actually work. As hard as it might be for some people to believe. But I work for 2 days a week. What???? Don't look at me like that. A guy has other stuff to do. And yeah traffic is another reason. And before you ask what stuff I am talking about, I am heading off. I own a mall. Fantastic, right girls???? It was passed on to me by my grandfather on my mother's side.

I reached to my destination whistling to myself. THE MALL. My team was waiting for me outside. I came to halt. My secretary, a young man was soon there to open the door of my car. I got out of the car. And started my journey to my office.

I never take the elevators. Reminder: I am claustrophobic. And its pretty serious if I sy so myself.

As I walk through the mall, my team behind me and all the workers horizontally lined to greet me. I can see in their faces how much they hate to do this. I can read it. 'Why doesn't this man take the perfectly working elevator and comes this way?' I heard one of them whispering. I ignored them they are just jealous. Because on the 2 days I work, the female workers here are busy swooning over me to spare them a glance.

When I reached my office Myers was there. God I hate this man with a passion. I will tell you the history of my hate for this person later. Right now I have to take the matter in my hands. This excuse of a man was swirling in my chair. MY CHAIR. Goddamit. 'Calm down Cooper' a voice hissed in my head. I tried to take the advice and not wring this oldie's neck with my bare hands like I first planned to. Thinking about it, it would have been good riddance. A weight would have lifted from the poor earth.

As soon as the oldie saw me, he falls off the chair. I know this is not a time to laugh but I couldn't help the snicker leaving my mouth. I went to sit on my chair. Oldie kept a file on my desk.

"I didn't even sit don yet." I said with annoyance.

"This is urgent. So please understand." He said confidently with a smirk on his wrinkled face.

"If this was that urgent, why didn't you authorize it already? What? You still can't copy my signature? Mr. Myers?" yeah this bastard over here has tried to copy MY signature.

" ha ha ha ha , the rumors these days." He tried to laugh it off. Pathetic attempt I might say.

I sat on my chair. The team was looking at me expectantly.

"Is this the best strategy? Are you confident? Mr. Benson?" I asked one of the team members.

He is nervous. Its evident on his face.

"I am not certain. Which part don't you like specifically?"

"How would I know that? I've only seen the title." I paused for a moment studying their face. But I could only see the beads of sweat on their foreheads. "if you are not confident that this is the best, then you should redo it. Right Mr. Myers?" I said while smirking at the oldie.

"I will work on it Mr. Cooper."

I was in a club. With my cousin. Yeah the same one whose existence I hate with a passion. The same one who was kissing a girl 3 chapters ago. I don't understand him at all. I was trying to renew a contract with him for the sake of my mall. I would have liked a peaceful place. But no. the pervert has to drag me to a place like this. The reason? Isn't it clear yet? He is checking out every girl he can. On the other hand I am struggling in this sweaty, clammy club with people dancing all around us. I am claustrophobic. I have to survive this.

I looked at him. He was drinking with a girl on his arm. I wonder if he will ever settle down with a single woman.

" If you would excuse us I will like to talk business with this meathead of my cousin." I said trying to be patient.

The girl shamelessly checked me out before kissing my cousin and left us.

"I really did not need to see that. Someone trying to eat your face. Are you practicing cannibalism?"

"What is that man? Is it some sort of new position that I didn't try?" he asked dumbfounded.

I ignored him as usual.

"What do I have to do to make you renew the contract?"

"Nothing at all. Because I am not going to renew it at any cost." He told me still checking out another girl.

I glanced towards the girl. OH GOD. I have went on a date with that girl. I have to avoid her at any cost.

"Fuck yourself." I said to my cousin and made a beeline towards the exit.


Hey guys!!!!!!

I hope u all are enjoying reading this.

I know this was a boring chapter. But I had to do that. Why? Coz it portrays our Edward. It had to be done like this. Now u all know that Edward is lazy and claustrophobic too.

I mean he works for 2 days a week. And what is his excuse? There is traffic.

In next update Edward and viola are going to meet.

Exciting ?

See what happens next.

Vote. Comment. Follow. Share.

Bye guys!!!!! Keep your eyes on my work and keep spreading the word.

I will be back soon.

Till then do whatever u wanna do man!!!!!!


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