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I loved you and you broke me. You broke my trust. You broke my heart. You broke me. You smashed what was left of my heart after I tried putting it back together from the last time I over loved and over trusted. That's what normally happens tho. Isn't it ? When you love, when you trust, when you let someone in they will always break you. But I don't hate you , i mean how can i ? How can i hate the person who's made me smile more times then I can't count. Who's made me love life more then I've hated it. Who's made me want to wake up in the morning just so I can see his face and feel his hug as I feel safe again. That's not the thing tho. The thing that i can't let go of is that I still love you. I love the way you say that you love me. I love the way you look at me like im the best thing in the world. I love the way that you say that you love everything about me. I love the way that you smile. I love the way that you make me laugh even when I want to bawl my eyes out. I love the way that even after everything that's happened, I trust you. I trust that you wont break my heart again. I trust that you love me. I trust that after everything that weve been through that you'll love me no matter what. I love that way that I'm in love you.

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