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A/N Lin is getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame, it's about damn time.

Alex captured one last glimpse of John's horrified expression before flames exploded between them with a massive fwoosh, knocking everyone backwards with the sheer heat blasting forwards. Alex fell back on top of Lafayette, recovering quickly and scrambling to his feet without a moment to loose.
"JOHN!" He screamed into the fire, nothing but white hot flames licking hungrily ahead of him. In this moment his heart was beating so hard that his whole body rocked with the motion. He surged forward but he was jerked backwards sharply.

"ALEX!" Seabury yelled, tugging him sharply with a helpless and fearful expression. He tried to pull Alex away from the fire but he thrashed and ripped himself out of his grip.
"NO!" He persisted, stumbling closer to the flames. "JOHN!" He screamed once more but now two more pairs of hands were pulling him back. He spun and met Hercules' gaze pleadingly. Hercules frowned and shook his head. "No he's still in there! Let me go!" Alex cried desperately.
"Alex this whole joint is gonna' blow!" Lee roared as they worked together to hold Alex back.
"I'm not leaving him! JOHN!" He exploded, punching and kicking as hard as he could.
"We're not leaving you Alex!" Lafayette cried, clutching his shirt.

Alex's breathing was heavy, he frowned and stopped struggling for a moment.
"Yes you are," he croaked. "Go."
Alex met expressions of pure shock, but it was Hercules who finally decided there was no use. He nodded with a weak, supportive smile and let his hands slip away from Alex. Lafayette tried to protest but Hercules shut him down, tugging him and Seabury out towards the stairs with Lee in tow as the fire siren began to wail up above.

Suddenly a hacking cough snapped through the air. Alex's head shot up at bullet speed.
"JOHN!" Alex shrilled, advancing forward hopefully.
"Guess again," Levi mused hoarsely as he sauntered out of the flames.

Alex's stomach dropped to his toes, but with no further hesitation he sprinted forward with a cry of fury, pulling his fist back and sending it barreling into Levi's face. With a shout Levi stumbled backwards, no time to recover as Alex was back on him with another heavy punch.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Alex screamed, slamming punches at Levi mercilessly. "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM!" Alex repeated as he punched with white hot fury brewing in his stomach. He had the upper-hand until Levi caught his fist in his grimy grip.

With an animalistic roar Levi pounced forward, slamming Alex into the ground. Alex grunted as his body hit the floor, all the air being knocked out of his lungs. Time froze as Alex lay beneath Levi, surrounded by flames spiralling upwards in slow motion. He heaved deeply, only bringing in toxic fumes from the burning gasoline in the atmosphere, which made him splutter harder. Time resumed abruptly as Levi threw a solid punch to his face but he was already numb.
John was dead, he couldn't save him.
Alex tried to breathe in again but his throat sizzled and stung with the action. Levi pulled his fist back for another swing before two hands grabbed his head and snapped it backwards violently.

Levi was thrown to the floor beside Alex with a hard thud and Alex's gaze snapped upwards and he finally caught his breath.
John stood tall, eyes squinted menacingly glaring down at Levi with an expression of pure rage. His skin was scorched in various places, clothes ripped and charred. His body was illuminated by the roaring flames, giving him a heroic glow in the midst of chaos.
"Johnny Boy," Levi grinned, his voice low and croaky.

"It's over." John declared. Levi opened his mouth to retaliate but John lifted his leg and kicked Levi in the side. He kicked Levi in the side 6 times. One for every other man he had raped in this prison. Levi choked and groaned on the floor, sweat glazing his entire body and dripping down his face, making his stringy hair stick to his forehead. John knelt over Levi's body and lifted his fist slowly.

Innocent (Lams prison au)Where stories live. Discover now