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John ran into his cell block and was almost at his room when he was tugged backwards by someone grabbing his shirt. Thomas Paine had grabbed John and pulled him into a tight hug. Alex made his way inside and his eyes grew dark seeing Thomas hugging John. Was he jealous? There was nothing between him and John, so why did he feel like he just needed to snatch John out of Thomas' grasp and keep him all to himself?
Alex shook it off when Thomas released John.
"Hey he won't try anything, don't worry," Thomas assured him, but John wasn't listening. John had grabbed hold of one of Thomas' hands and was inspecting the bandages wrapped neatly around them. Scabbed and sore skin could be seen peeking out from the edges, which made John cringe. This was his fault.

"I'm so sorry," John whispered, looking down at Paine's hands.
"What, this? Shut up, this was Jefferson being a shitty dictator, you've done nothing wrong." Thomas assured him, putting his other hand over John's.

"If it makes you feel better I can join you in the shower tonight," Alex added, quickly covering his mouth with his hands. "Wait no- shit I meant I'd just come with- not actually in the- no wait!" Alex spluttered while Thomas howled with laughter and John felt a light blush crawl onto his cheeks.
"It's okay Alex, I'll be fine," John laughed awkwardly while Thomas still gasped breathlessly, laughing uncontrollably.
"I'm gonna go." Alex muttered, making his way to his room.
"Do you want me to bring you guys some sandwiches? The floor kind of ate yours John." Thomas added sheepishly.
"I'm not hungry anymore, but thanks," Alex said quickly with a small smile, closing his cell room door and pressing his back against it, sinking down to the floor slowly.

"But I'd totally still join you in the shower tonight," Alex mumbled ever so softly under his breath.


That night John followed his routine of going to the bathroom after everyone else had finished so he could have the room all to himself. He was paranoid in the least and was going to ask Alex to come with him, but when he peered into Alex's room he had looked extremely engrossed in writing in his tattered old journal.

He finished his shower without being disturbed and slipped into his pyjamas, whipping out his toothbrush and holding it under the toothpaste dispenser. He had just finished brushing his teeth when the door was thrown open. Levi stood, silhouetted by the lime light outside the bathroom, with Jefferson and Lee behind him again. John's heart rate spiked and he backed up against the sink, he wasn't sure if it was the cold mirror or Levi's presence sending tingles down his spine, but it was safe to assume Levi was the main culprit. He stalked forward and balled John's shirt up in his fist, pressing him up against the mirror further. Lee, as per usual, reached up and knocked the security camera away.

"Wh-what do you want Weeks," John spat, trying to muster any courage he could find.
"What I didn't get last time," He growled in response. Thomas and Charles advanced towards him but John spoke up quickly.

"Lay a finger on me and everyone knows about Lee's affair with officer Seabury." John warned. Levi didn't flinch, but Thomas stopped and Charles' eyes went wide.
"What?" Lee roared.
"You heard me. Leave me the fuck alone." John spoke firmly, being fairly successful at hiding the sickening fear of Levi that was brewing in his stomach.

"No, that's Lee's problem not mine, if anyone finds out about their affair it's not affecting me." Levi spoke, latching onto the edge of John's pants. John squeezed his eyes shut and tensed but Thomas spoke up.
"Excuse me, not your problem?"

"You heard me, I'm just in for the sex," Levi retorted, his hand trailing up John's pyjama shirt and over his soft skin.
"You are as much apart of this group as Charles is, and if you don't have our back why should we have yours?" Thomas growled menacingly, stepping towards Levi and towering over him.
"I don't need your protection." Levi spat, digging his nails into John's skin. John yelped and tried to claw Levi's hands off of him but to no avail. Charles stepped in and snapped Levi's head backwards. John dropped from his grip and sighed in relief as he watched Charles smash his fist across Levi's face. Levi spun and fell to the cold bathroom tiles with a firm thud.

"Get out of here, Laurens," Thomas sighed, nodding his head towards the door. John gathered up his towel, old clothes and tooth brush, leading Thomas and Charles out of the bathroom.

"Don't cross the top dog. We'll see you in the laundry next duty Weeks," Thomas smirked, letting the door swing shut behind him.


The next morning Alex had gardening duty, growing the fresh fruit and vegetables that would be used to make everyone's lunch. He didn't really know anyone here so it was time to make some new... friends? Allies? He wasn't sure what to make of the relationships in this facility. It was safe to say he wasn't fond of Jefferson, Charles or Levi though. His cell mates were great, Mulligan and Lafayette had his back, Laurens was, different. It was almost the end of Alex's first week of temporary placement in prison and every time John brushed past him, or even glanced his way, Alex's stomach did a back flip and he wanted to squeal like a little girl. Of course he couldn't get attached, he would be out of here soon. Alex sighed, dropping his train of thought he glanced around and recognised the man who collected his laundry on his first day, he was tending to a patch of carrots beside another man.

Alex made his way over and joined them in pulling the carrots from the ground.
"Ah, you must be Hamilton," The laundry man spoke up. Alex looked up, surprised he was known, and smiled.
"That's me, you are?" He asked, raising a hand for a shake.
"James Madison," the laundry man replied, slapping and fist bumping Alex's hand instead of shaking it. Right, he was in prison, who would shake ha-
"Aaron Burr," the second man introduced, shaking his hand firmly and politely. Well Aaron Burr was the answer. Aaron Burr was the man who shook hands in prison. He had a professional aura about him, almost as if he knew something you didn't, and was always in control.

"MADISON! CAN I GET A HAND WITH THIS CABBAGE?" A shrill voice called out from the other side of the garden. James nodded and bid the men farewell, leaving Alex alone with Aaron.

"Crime?" Aaron asked, keeping his sharp eyes downcast.
"Innocent, awaiting trial for murder." Alex replied curtly, earning a slow nod from Aaron.
"Are you really innocent?" He asked, genuine interest striking his features.
"Yes. God everyone's been asking that. What do I have murderer printed in all caps across my forehead?" Alex laughed softly, earning a light chuckle from Aaron.

"I was just going to say, if you were capable of murder, you may as well be capable of tackling the position of top dog," Aaron sighed with a light shrug.
"About that, how does this whole system work? Dogs and meat?" Alex asked, tugging on a particularly big carrot that had rooted itself firmly in the soil.
"Right, it's all childish terminology for the sinister dictatorship running this prison," Aaron replied, rolling his eyes. "Thomas Jefferson is current top dog, and as long as he makes sure there are no drugs, alcohol or weapons being circulated between the inmates, the prison staff give him free rein to keep inmates in line. A win win on both parties. One side knows their prison is drug-free and one knows they're invincible." Aaron replied light heartedly. Alex nodded in understanding.

"But there must be a fault with Jefferson, no fortress is totally impenetrable." Alex muttered, finally getting his dirt-splattered carrot out of the ground.
"Exactly, and there's your fault." Aaron replied smoothly, pointing across the yard to where a group of boys heaved cabbage into small crates.

"Madison?" Alex asked with an expression of utter confusion.
"Also known as Jefferson's boy toy. Touch him and your whole face will be slammed under the ironing board." Aaron laughed, finishing with the carrots.

"You seem to know what you're talking about," Alex added finally, resting his hands on his knee in an exhausted fashion.
"Hamilton, I've been playing this game for 6 years now, I've awaited my shot at top dog for 6 years and Jefferson will be forced to step down this year. Of course, the nutters like Charles or George will step in, but it will be up to the inmates who they choose to trust." Aaron finished, standing up and dusting off his knees.
"I am not throwing away my shot," he smirked with a sneaky wink. "Good day Mr Hamilton,"
"To you too, Burr,"

Innocent (Lams prison au)Where stories live. Discover now