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"God, mom please!"

"Oh, but sweetheart, she's such a cutie! Please give it a chance?"

"No, mom I swear to god stop setting me up I'm not interested in dating. Geez."

"Well alright then. I just don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life. I mean, I still want grandchildren! Anyway, I have to go sweetie. Love you!"

"Love you too, mom. Bye."

Right after hanging up she scrolled through the rest of her contacts, looking for her friend and roommate, who is supposed to be in Japan by now, where she'll be living for 5 months, maybe more. The phone rang a few times before she heard the doorbell ring. Might as well call her friend later, she must be tired anyway. Putting her phone on the counter and with a shrug of her shoulders she walked to the door.

What she didn't expect to see was a small boy with black hair and a milky white skin, not older than 5, sitting there, softly sobbing. "Uhm...can I help you? Did you lose your mom?" the boy looked up at her with a confused look, trying to muffle his sobs, wiping away his tears. "Uh-uhm...he-hello...?" he said trying to keep a tough boy act, having no clue how to explain what happened in a language he did not speak or even understand. "I-I'm from Korea...I lost my group... I don't know what to do..." he tried to look hopeful, hoping she would understand what he was trying to say even though he thought she didn't speak the language he was talking in.

"Ah! Korean, huh? Well, you certainly rang the right doorbell. Group from what?"

The boy's mouth made an 'o' shape at the Korean sentence. "M-my group from the orphanage...we're on a field trip.."

"Oh..." she instantly felt a little sad hearing the boy was from an orphanage. "Erm...want to come in and wait here? I can call them if you want." the boy nodded and she moved away from the doorstep. The boy bowed and walked in. She walked to the kitchen and got the boy a cup of water and cookies. The boy took a cookie and quietly ate it, some tears still streaming down his cute, white cheeks. She took a tissue and debated whether she should wipe his tears herself or give it to him. She went with wiping them. She carefully approached and the boy let her wipe his tears away.

"So what's your name, kid?"


It's Min Yoongi."

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