alexis knightly

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"Hellooo!" I shout in front of my camera, dragging the o. "Lexy here, and welcome back to my channel!" I introduced myself and did my usual intro to my videos, telling the people to like, comment, and subscribe.

I've been doing YouTube videos since I was eighteen, and for the past two years I've gotten like over three thousand subscribers. I enjoy doing these videos so much, they've become a huge part of my life and I don't know how to live without it. This is like my passion, you know? I live for this.

"So for today's video, as you can probably see in the title, I'll be doing a Q&A!" I said, clapping my hands together. "I've received tons of questions from you guys via Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag AskLexyK and now's the time for them to be finally answered."

"I'll try to answer most of the questions in a span of ten minutes, but if I don't get to finish them all then it would be best to make a part two, don't you think?" I wink at the camera. I took my phone and started to scroll through my Twitter notifications and look for some basic questions first.

"First question is, how old are you? Wow, I've been making videos for two years now and I still haven't told you guys my age." I said, chuckling at my phone. "I'm turning 20 on the eighth of September."

"Do you have a boyfriend? Oh dear." The question got me laughing. "No, I do not. What are you?" I laughed harder. "What do you mean what am I? I'm human."

"What is your nationality? Uh, I am half Filipino half Canadian. That explains my brown hair and blue eyes, huh, but I was born and raised here in Canada. Next question, what are your current obsessions? Hmm." I put my finger to my chin, thinking. "Well, my mom just bought me a ukulele, and I've been learning to play it through YouTube and I am obsessed. Like literally even when I don't know crap, I just strum it."

"Do you have any siblings? Yes, I do. I actually have three." I point to my right where I'll be inserting a picture of Trina and I later while editing. "Her name's Katrina Knightly and she just turned eight." Then I point to the left where I'll insert a picture of Michael and I. "And this is Michael Knightly, he's thirteen." Then I trace a rectangle shape in front of me where I'll insert a picture of Alex and I. "And this is Alexander Knightly, we're twins. He and Michael are in the Philippines with our grandparents for vacation. Huge age differences, no?" I finished with a chuckle.

After a few more funny and serious questions, ten minutes was finally over and I was about to end my video.

"And yeah! That's it for today! I'll see you guys next week!" I say enthusiastically to my camera, doing my usual outro, and winking in the end. I turned off the camera and started to do the usual things for editing and other crap like that.

After an hour or two of editing, I feel myself getting hungry so I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw my mom and Trina.

"Hi ma." I kiss my mom on the cheek and go to Trina who was eating cereal in the middle of the day. "Hi baby girl, cereal? Really?" I chuckle at her, but still ate a spoonful of her cereal.

"Cereal, really?" Trina repeated what I said, mocking me.

This kid can be such a smartass sometimes.

"Why do you have make-up on, Lexy? Are you going somewhere?"

"Maybe? I don't know yet, but I recorded a video." I shrug, got a banana and hopped onto the kitchen counter.

"Get off, that's not a chair." Mom scolded and literally pushed me off the counter, and I, being a total clutz, dropped my banana, stepped on it and almost hit my head on the back of Trina's chair.

"Ma!" I cry. "You made me drop my banana!"

"Oh hush." She was laughing at my misery. "Do your mother a favor and clean that up." She demanded, pointing at the smudged banana on the floor.

"Ayoko nga (I don't want to)." I crossed my arms and pout.

"I don't care, do it." My mom grabbed some tissues and handed them to me along with the mop. "Get to work, young lady." Once she was facing the other way, Trina stuck her tongue out at me! How dare this girl!

...I just stuck my tongue out at her though...very mature, right?



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