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Admin is sorry! She didn't watch the Sabody Arc... ;-; So she's gonna try.. But! She needs your help! What happened in Sabody?! Someone tell her please!


"Kirino-chan! Are you done with those dishes? You still have to clean the floorboards, you know?" Her annoying voice cut through my train of thoughts as I scrubbed at the seemingly never-ending pile of dirty dishes. I forced a smile onto my face and turned towards her. "Yes Princess. I will clean the floor after finishing up these dishes." I replied. Her hot pink hair almost slapped my face as she left the kitchen with a loud "Tch"...

*scrub* *scrub* *scrub* The familiar sound of me washing the dishes reached my ears, triggering painful memories of my time in Doflamingo's service.

"Kirino-chan!" Out of habit, a smile was plastered on my face as I turned around. "Yes Prin-" I cut myself off when I saw the cute polar bear staring at me.

"Yes Bepo?" I asked sweetly.

"What's for lunch?" Came the question.

"We just had breakfast, Bepo..." I went back to washing the dishes.

"But Kirino-chan! I'm hungry!"

"Go ask Captain for food then. I'm busy" I ignored Bepo's consistent complaining, instead focussing on the task at hand: washing dishes.

After a while, I finally finished with the dishes. "Kirino! Come to the Library now!" A flustered looking Shachi rushed over, with a stack of papers in his hands. "Captain wants to talk to you. Privately" At that statement, my blood ran cold. I mean, the last time I had had a private conversation with Law, I almost freaked out. "S-shachi.. Could you come with me..?" I pleaded with the brown-haired man, my eyes wide in fear. At first, he looked about to refuse, but nodded in the end. "Don't worry, our Captain's a nice guy, he won't hurt you" he smiled warmly. "Y-yeah.. But I'm still a little nervous.." I trailed off, twirling a strand of hair anxiously. We walked down the hall towards the Library in comforting silence.

"We're here" Shachi muttered, knocking on the door to the Library. "Come in" a familiar voice sounded from inside the Library. He opened the door for me, pushed me in, and closed it with a firm click. "Eh? Shachi! What?!" I turned around as he pushed me forward. "W-woah!" I tripped over something on the floor and landed flat on my face. I think it was my shoelaces. "Are you okay, Kirino?" An amused voice asked. No,more like pondered. I got up. "Yeah, I tripped, that's all" I said.

Looking around, I realised the Library was slightly different that the last time I had been inside. For one, there was a low coffee table in front of the sofa, and a snacks bar had been set up by the door. The books had also been rearranged. Trafalgar Law was taking up the entire sofa, by resting his legs up onto the arm rest, and propping his head up with his arm on the other end. Wow, he's so tall.. I never realised that hahaha... "So.. Kirino.. I want to know more about your past.." He ordered. "Why do you need to know?" I narrowed my eyes. " are a part of my crew.. Isn't it natural that I find out more about you...?" He stated, that signature smirk etched on his face.

God, he is so creepy! I steadied my breath, nodding. "Okay. What do you want to know?" I sighed, sitting on a couch by the coffee table. "Why do you want to go to Dressrosa?"

"To find Doflamingo, duh"

"And..?" He prompted.

"Kill him"


Man.. This Captain is really inquisitve. "He killed my foster parents. They were the ones who raised me. My dad abandoned me when I was five, leaving me in a little boat out at sea to die..." I started tearing up as the painful memories rushed into my mind, memories which I had sealed away, that I thought I had forgotten. Suddenly, it all seemed as if it were just yesterday. I could remember every single detail.

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