Chapter 1: coincidence?

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Once I got my penguin I thought back to that man, and if it was just a coincidence that his name was the same as my favorite animal or if it was meant to happen. Either way I went home chuckling a little to myself "can't wait to get home and put you with the rest of my gang, Oh and show rose she'll love you!" I said to my new stuffed penguin. Once back at the house I walked in and yelled for rose, she came waddling in as fast as her little feet would let her. " haha! Hey baby girl how was your day without mama hmm?" I said smiling to my 'little girl' she in turn to my question squawked with happiness. I pat her on the head and walked to the kitchen and grabbed two cans of tuna one for me and one for rose, as I opened them rose was on the couch cuddling my new penguin stuffie. I walked back into the living room with the tuna and a spoon, as I plopped on the couch rose moved over to me and squawked in a questioning way as if to ask if she could have some "of course you can have some my little baby bird." I set down the can and she scarfed it all down as fast as she could "honey don't eat so fast you'll get a tummy ache." I lightly chastised her by taking the plushy from her. She squawked loudly in protest to my action and jumped off the couch to chase me I got to my bedroom and shut the dorm before she was even half way up the stairs once she realized that she squawked as loud and as long as she could until I opened the door and yelled at her to shut her beak. I got in bed and she climbed the mini stairs that I built for her onto the bed and laid down next to my side. After reading bedtime stories about pirates and the seas we fell asleep.

-time skip-

I woke up to my penguin sitting on my chest staring down at my face..." wtf rose why are you staring at me like that?" She squawked loudly then jumped off me and ran out of the room. I got up and followed her out the room and down the stairs to the living room to see her by the door squawking " what's wrong baby? do you want to go outside is that it?" She squawked and nodded I got my coat on and went to the door and opened it for her. Rose darted out of the house and started playing in the fresh blanket of snow on the ground she looked so happy. " well I've got to run some errands, I'll be back soon don't worry, and be my good little girl." With that I walked off to the marketplace.

-le time skip-

So I just finished getting everything that I needed like womanly items cause girl I'm bleeding like a fuckin' big dog. I mean god! sometimes ya' gotta hate being a woman at times like this. Well anyway I'ma go look at that store again and see if Ron has any more penguins today.

~time skippin' like a boss~

I entered his store 'ron's masterpieces' funny thing is he didn't make any of it except the plush penguins. As I walked in I saw that there was a new one with a (f/c) rose one it, of course being me I squealed and ran to pick her up once I was there another hand grabbed her at the same time I did... without thinking or looking up I hissed out "look buddy this penguin is mine and if you want her you'll have to kill me for her!" To add onto my creepiness I growled the hand started to tremble, as I looked up I saw Penguins hat and a blush on his face. I quickly regretted threatening him and bowed while apologizing "gomin penguin I didn't realize that it was you..." I started to blush, and he just stared at my bowing body this action made me blush even more I couldn't take it anymore so i shot up and ran out with my other bags completely forgetting about the penguin I wanted. Once I got home Rose was by the door waiting for me "hi Rose my baby girl I'm home let's go inside, and have some tuna! Does that sound good to you?" She squawked and once I got the door open she ran in and jumped onto the sofa. I chuckled and went to the kitchen to put away the groceries. Once done I got the two cans of tuna and did as usual after that we read some books about Gold D. Rodgers' adventure across the grand line not much time passed until I heard a nick at the door. "Who could that be?! No one comes to my house, and I'm not expecting anything huh. Rose come!" Rose and I walked to the door and answered it nothing was there except a box with my name on it and the words 'I forgive you' I picked up the box and went inside forgetting to close the door as I opened it up I saw the penguin with the (f/c) rose on it I gasped and then squealed hugging it. I ran out of the house and screamed as loud as possible "THANK YOU PENGUIN!!!!!" I turned around to walk inside but instead was met by penguins hat (your a little bit bigger than penguin) I looked down a little bit and saw his blushing face I smiled and hugged him, but since I'm used to having to go on my tiptoes to hug people here his face landed between my breasts when I let him go he was a blushing mess "hehe gomin penguin, would you like to come in for a cup of saké and some tuna?" He nodded and moved so I could go in my house "you can sit if you want oh and the pillow on the right is Roses spot don't sit there or you'll be sorry." With that he sat down on the left side of the couch. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup to pour the saké into as well as grabbing three cans and two forks while opening them I heard penguin whisper "I really like your owner rose don't you think she's nice?" Rose in turn just gave him the look of 'your totally right on that dude' pretending that I didn't hear that I walked in and handed him the cup of saké a fork and his can of tuna. After eating dinner and drinking a hell of a lot of saké Penguin decided to head back. After saying our awkward goodbyes he left. After cleaning up I went upstairs with my new penguin from Penguin, getting ready for bed at this point was too hard so I just took my f*cking clothes off and went to bed thinking..."was our meeting just coincidence or fate?"

Ten minutes later I passed out.


my baby penguin (penguin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now